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American Indian Land Loss
American Indian Land Loss
McMillen, Christian - Professor of History
Resident Fellowship: 2023-2024
American Indian land loss lies at the heart of US history. The legal and illegal transfer of Indian land to non-Indians is the foundation of American economic development and the basis for American Indian economic underdevelopment. Over the course of the twentieth century, after tribal land loss had largely run its course, millions of individual Indian land holdings disappeared as well, one sale at a time. Why and how was so much individual Indian land, supposedly held in trust for American Indians, sold to non-Indians? How much land was lost? How did Indian people respond? Using a variety of sources—legal records, government documents, land sale data, and other sources—this project will build a geo-located, nationwide database of individual Indian land sales.
Christian McMillen
2023-2024 Fellow Christian McMillen, Professor of History