mahometrie / but signes of the testament of god. And in them
they red the worde of god / as we do in bokes / and as we shuld
doo in oure sacramentes / if the weked pope had not taken the
significacions a waye from vs / as he hath robbed vs of the
true sens of all the scripture. The testament which god mad
with Noe / that he wolde no moare droune the world with water /
he wrote in the sacrament of the raynebowe. And the
appoyntement made betwene him and Abraham / he wrote in the
sacrament of circumcision. And therfore
saide Steuen Actes .vij. he gaue them the testament
of circumcision. Not that the outwarde circumcision was the
hole testament / but
the sacrament or signe therof. For circumcision
preached gods word vnto them / as I haue in other places