
Known Name(s)



Route 29; 1.5 miles south of Charlottesville Charlottesville, VA

Establishment Type(s)


Physical Status


Detailed History

The Bren Wanna (sic) was a jazz club that catered to Black residents and students at the University of Virginia. It was one of the few social outlets in Charlottesville available to Blacks. Edward Jackson owned the club and his sister, Teresa Price, lived off of West Main Street and welcomed Black students into her home. It does not appear that the Price home was listed in The Green Book.

Source: Miller, Ed; "The Underground Refuge," Virginia: The UVA Magazine, summer 2021, pg. 48. 

Photos at left from page 59 of "Charlottesville: An African American Community" by Agnes Cross-White. The caption for the first photo indicates that Jackson opened the club in 1958 and named it for his daughters. It closed in 1979.

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