Known Name(s)
50 Clay Street Annapolis, MD
Establishment Type(s)
Physical Status
Brown's Hotel was noted as a tavern in the 1956 Annapolis City Directory. It is a two-story three bay building with a center entrance, and paired two over two double hung sash windows in the east and west bays. The ground floor windows and door have been reinforced with decorative materal grilles. The April 1930 Annapolis Sanborn Map Sheet 10 shows a one story rear addition. Map shown is the 1921 Annapolis Sanborn Map.
Detailed History
Anthony Brown was the building owner and proprietor of Brown's Hotel which the city directory also called a tavern. Although the tavern was Brown's business, he and his wife, Lillian and daughter Diane, lived on Solomon's Island Road in the Parole section of Annapolis, which is another traditional African American community. Brown's is listed as being in Baltimore in 1946 but the address on Clay Street in Annanapolis is where the building stands. It appeared in the 1946 edition, but stopped for ten years, and added back starting in 1956 through 1966/1967.