Carrington Motel

Known Name(s)

Carrington Motel


610 N. 3rd St. Richmond, VA

Establishment Type(s)


Physical Status



According to the 1952 Sanborn Insurance map, the dwelling at 610 South 3rd Street was two story, brick, with a two-story rear frame addition and a one-story frame front porch with access stairs on the south side. The roofing material was slate or tin. 

Detailed History

The site of the Carrington Motel is now occupied by the Third Street Bethel AME's Bethel Center. The church broke ground for the Bethel Center in 2001. From the National Register nomination for the Third Street Bethel African Methodist Church, which is located within the Jackson Ward Historic District: 

"The immediate setting around the church has changed somewhat since 1975. The two-story, brick Italianate rowhouse that stood on the north side of the church is no longer extant and has been replaced with an asphalt surface parking lot for the church. The 18th century, frame Tucker Cottage that stood on the south side of the church was carefully relocated to a vacant lot within the historic district boundaries in 2002 (701 Chamberlayne Avenue). On the vacated site, the church constructed a new education building in 2002." Note: correct current address for the Tucker Cottage is 701 Chamberlayne Parkway. 

610 South 3rd Street was to the south of the church. The Tucker House was at 612 South 3rd Stret, as indicated on the 1952 Sanborn map. 610 South 3rd, presumably the Carrington Motel, is two story, brick, with a two-story rear frame addition and a one-story frame front porch with access stairs on the south side. The roofing material was slate or tin. 

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