Known Name(s)

D&D Liquor Store


890 Linden Avenue Baltimore, Maryland

Establishment Type(s)

Liquor Store

Physical Status



A pentagonal (5-sided) building clad in common bond brick that stood on the southeast corner of Martin Luther King Boulevard and Linden Avenue until approximately 2011/2012. At that time, the ground floor held a restaurant, while the upper three stories were unoccupied but had two-over-two windows. The south elevation was parged and had two exterior chimneys. 

Detailed History

A liquor store owned by David and Dena Dannenberg (also spelled Dannenburg) who did not live in the apartments above the property according to the 1940 US Census. However the 1941, 1946 and 1958 Baltimore City Directories indicate that after 1941, Denna was listed as the proprietor. 

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