Dutch Patroon Garden Hotel St.

Postcard of the Dutch Patroon Garden Hotel from an overhead view from Cardcow.com

Front of a postcard of the Dutch Patroon Garden Hotel from 1955 listed on cardcow.com.

Screenshot of the Dutch Patroon Garden Hotel as it stands today, now called the Village Square Motel.

Screenshot from Google Images of the Dutch Patroon Garden Hotel, now the Village Square Motel.

Screenshot of the parcel identity and records of the parcel of land that the Dutch Patroon Garden Hotel, now Village Square Motel, sits on. Accessed through the Dutchess County Parcel Access database.

Screenshot of the listing of the address of the Village Square Motel (previously Dutch Patroon Garden Hotel) on PropertyShark.com.

Screenshot of the 2018 Deed of Sale of the property of the Dutch Patroon Garden Hotel.
Known Name(s)
Dutch Patroon Garden Hotel St. (Primary) The Village Square Motel (Secondary)
Rt. 9, 4 miles north Pokips Hyde Park, NY (1963, 1964, 1966)(4159 Albany Post Rd Hyde Park, NY) (Secondary)
Establishment Type(s)
Physical Status
One-story motel that is "C" shaped invokes a "colonial" feel with white clapboard-style and faux shutters. The motel has a gable roof all the way around with two gabled dormers on the right portion of the hotel when looking straight ahead from the road. The roof is clad with asphalt shingles. The site includes an inground swimming pool between the buildings and the road.
Detailed History
The Dutch Patroon Garden Hotel was built and operated by Mr. and Mrs. Lacey St. George. The St. George's purchased the property in spring of 1951 prior to its first listing in the Green Book in 1963. Not much was found about the St. George's ownership of the hotel. What is known is that it was recently bought in 2018 by the Cuppola family who operates a popular Italian restaurant in the area. The current establishment, The Village Square Hotel, as it stands, houses 36 units.
**Information as of Spring 2023