
"Buffalo Courier Express" newspaper. License given to Ferry Liquor Store.
October 13, 1967.
Known Name(s)
192 E. Ferry St. Buffalo, NY
Establishment Type(s)
Liquor Store
Physical Status
According to the 1935 Sanborn Map the building was a two-and-a-half-story commercial building. It was located on the North side of Ferry St. between Waverly St. and Purdy St. facing Ferry St. In 1935, it was labeled "Wall Paper & Paints." Multiple two- and one-story extensions projected to the rear. Two automobile garages filled the rear of the lot.
Detailed History
From at least 1945 to 1957, when Leonard Tick died, Leonard Tick and Simon Kahn owned Ferry Liquor Store (East). The business ran under the same name at the same location until at least 1975. It is unclear if this was under new ownership or not. There were at least two other Ferry Liquor Store locations in Buffalo over the years. It is unknown if they were affiliated with each other or all using the street name. The current site is a parking lot.