
Known Name(s)



10th & I Streets Sparrows Point, Maryland

Establishment Type(s)


Physical Status



The Sanborn Insurance Company Map Sheet 8 for Sparrows Point from 1935 shows that the corners of I and 11 Streets had row houses on each corner.

Detailed History

According to information found on https://reclaimingkin.com and a paper by Robyn N. Smith, “Life on the North Side: the African American Community in Sparrows Point,” the Sparrows Point tailor on the North Side was Charles Hezekiah Lewis, who managed the tailor shop for 36 years. He was born in Sparrows Point in 1899, and left school in 1910 after his father died. After a series of different jobs, he he went to work for a Baltimore tailor, Hopkins & Haas in Baltimore. He maintained the business on I Street until 1970.

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