Henry Smith Barber Shop

Known Name(s)

Henry Smith Barber Shop


Mouldy Road Lawnside, NJ 08045 (Primary) (1947, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955)
54 Mouldy Road Lawnside, NJ (Modern Address)

Establishment Type(s)

Barber Shop, Beauty Parlor

Physical Status



1231 square foot single family home built ca 1925. Henry Smith's barbershop was in the basement while the enclosed front porch was Henrietta Smith's beauty salon. 

Detailed History

The Mouldy Road property from which Henry Smith’s barber shop operated was built ca 1925. It has been described as a “1231 square feet, single family home.”[1] Henry moved there from Camden, New Jersey after he married Henrietta E. (Davis) Thomas in 1937. The couple made resourceful use of the property.  Henry's barbershop operated from the basement; it was complete with a separate entrance and barber’s pole. Henrietta's beauty salon operated from the enclosed front porch.[2]Henrietta died in 1964. Henry, in 1987.  Their property was not sold until 1997.[3]

     [1]. Zillow.com (https://www.zillow.com/homes/54-Mouldy-Rd-Lawnside,-NJ-08045_rb/38279237_zpid/ : accessed 12/26/2023), 54 Mouldy Road, Lawnside, New Jersey.

     [2]. New Castle County, Delaware, Marriages 1750-1954, Bureau of Vital Statistics, Hall of Records, Dover, Henry B. Smith-Henrietta Thomas, 11 January 1937; online images, Ancestry.com  Operations, Inc., Ancestry.com (https://www.ancestry.com : accessed 23 December 2023); Mrs. Ellen Benson Lawnside, NJ,  brief interview by Andrea N. McDonald, 26 January 2023; notes privately held by McDonald, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Lindenwold, New Jersey: Mrs. Benson described the barbershop and beauty salon setup.

     [3]. “Mrs. Henrietta E. Smith [Obituary],” The Courier Post, 17 September 1964, p.5, col.4; image copy, Newspapers.com (https://www.newspapers.com : accessed 23 December 2023); “U. S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007,” database, Ancestry.com (https://www.ancestry.com : accessed 12/22/2023), Henry B. Smith, SS no. 156-26-2272; citing “Claim Date: 7 March 1967.”: The claim date is indicative of retirement age for Henry B. Smith; “SMITH Henry B.,” The Courier Post, 22 January 1987, p. 21; image copy, Newspapers.com (https://www.newspapers.com : accessed 23 December 2023); Camden County, New Jersey , Deed Book 4916: 0636-0638 (1997), Henry B. Daniels, Executor of the Estate of Henry B. Smith  and Keith Daniels and Linda Daniels; image copy, CamdenCounty.com  (https://www.camdencounty.com/service/county-clerk/online-property-records/ : accessed 23 December 2023).


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