Herman Stelcks

Former location of Blanche's Cafe in 2024

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Three adjacent Green Book sites in 2024

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Known Name(s)

Herman Stelcks


117 Highway 10 Motley, MN

Establishment Type(s)


Physical Status


Detailed History

The historic address was 122 Highway 10 (per the 1963 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map). It was owned by Herman and Blanche Stelck. It was actually called Blanche's Cafe and Blanche was the cook. Herman was not very involved in the business. He also served as justice of the peace for the town. The restaurant was well-known throughout the area. High school students who were allowed to leavce school for lunch would eat here instead because they didn't like the school lunch. You could get a hamburger or a piece of pie for 25 cents. Blanche offered a deal for potatoes and gravy for 15 cents. Their grandson Ron Stelck remembered that there were tables down the middle and booths on the side. On the opposite side, there was a candy counter. Herman and Blanche had living quarters at the back of the restaurant. Ron's wife, Margaret, worked here when they were growing up.

The Sanborn map shows that the restaurant was half its current size. It was originally the south half, which was attached to the tavern next door. Herman passed away in 1970, after which Blanche sold the business. It became a hardware store, which it remains today. The footprint was likely doubled in the 1980s.

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