
Sanborn Map of the Intersection of Hiclory and William in Buffalo, NY. 1925-Feb. 1951, vol.2 1926-Apr. 1950 sheet 213.
Known Name(s)
Hickory & Williams Buffalo, NY
Establishment Type(s)
Physical Status
Hickory may have been located in a two-story building at 350-352 William St. According to a Sanborn Map from 1950, that building had a non-combustible roof covering of metal, slate, tile or asbestos shingles. The height from the ground to roof level was 26 feet, and the walls on both stories were 12 inches thick. There were window openings in back of the building on the first and second floor. The building was located on the northwest corner of Hickory and William. The building was neighbored by an auto repair shop on William and a coal and wood storage area on Hickory. There were restaurants and stores lining both streets.
Detailed History
While not much is known about this business, several businesses in the Green Book existed on William Street. It was part of a business district in Buffalo's East Side African American community. there are two buildings on the corner that could possibly be the Hickory tavern.