Lindenhurst Motel

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map of Lindenhurst from 1933 showing the location of the current dwelling, and where the Lindenhurst Motel would eventually be
Known Name(s)
Lindenhurst Motel
W. Montauk Hwy. & Chestnut St. Lindenhurst, NY 11757
Establishment Type(s)
Physical Status
The motel is on a corner of Chestnut Street and Montauk Highway. It is L-shaped, with parking inside a fenced area in the crux of the L. The building is single-story, with a brick facade with many single-pane windows, composite doors, and a flat roof.
Detailed History
The property is shown on a Sanborn map of the town from 1933. Three different buildings that predate the motel are within the property lines. Only the building on the far north side of the property has survived, this being the building which currently sits on the property next to the Lindenhurst Motel. The motel was most likely constructed close to its first appearance in the Green Book in 1963. This entire property appears on the NYSHPO CRIS database, with a USN Number of 10340.000373. However, as of 2023 no information about ownership could be found from CRIS, the census or advertisements.