Mrs. M. Carter
Known Name(s)
Mrs. M. Carter
6267 Shady Side Road, (no address given in GB) Shadyside, Maryland
Establishment Type(s)
Tourist Home
The building is a double pile structure with three bays and a center entrance that faces Shady Side Road (MD 468) on the east side of the road. It sits on stone piles, and the exterior is currently clad in vinyl siding. The windows are replacements. An exterior concrete block chimney is on the south side of the building.
Detailed History
Mattiel Carter began taking in boarders at her house called Shady Rest in Shadyside in southern Anne Arundel County in the late 1920s. She was one of 7 or 8 local residents who advertised for boarders during the summer. The Afro-American's social columns describe most of the guests as teachers from Baltimore and some professors from Morgan State College (now University). Mrs. Carter's husband, James Carter, was the Morgan State College Secretary for a number of years.