Shirley K

Known Name(s)

Shirley K


Golden-Thompson Road Colton, Maryland

Establishment Type(s)


Physical Status



Described as a 21-room hotel on St. Patrick's Creek (no known photos).

Detailed History

On March 13, 1937, Mary Golden sold a lot in the Golden Subdivision to Ewell L. Conway, Jr. and his wife, Jessie T.  Again in 1939, the Ewells purchased additional lots including Lot 8 in Block D that faced St. Patrick’s Creek, and Lots 1, 2 and 13 in Block B on the west side of Colton’s Point Road (MD 242).  Conway was a graphic artist, known for painting movie posters for the Litchtman Theatre Company in Washington DC.  By the 1950s, however, he became a teacher at Terrell Junior High School on Eastern Avenue in northwest Washington (the school moved and has since been demolished).  He and his wife, Jessie opened a twenty-one-room hotel on St. Patrick’s Creek by the late 1940s.  An article about the Association of Former Interns of Freedman’s Hospital appeared in the Afro American Newspaper on June 11, 1949.  The meetings in Washington ended with a day spent eating, swimming and boating at the Shirley K Hotel, which was named after the Ewells’ daughter.  The article listed Dr. Charles Drew, the surgeon and researcher, among the attendees.

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