Sparrow's Beach

Sparrow's Beach provided picnic areas and "carnival rides" in addition to the swimming beach.

Sparrow's Beach was considered to be the family-friendly beach and Florence Sparrow catered to churches. Church groups held annual picnics and other events for members. This is a view of the swimming beach.
Known Name(s)
Sparrow's Beach
P. O. Box 266 Annapolis, MD
Establishment Type(s)
Physical Status
Located on the western shore of the Chesapeake Bay, on the south side of Back Creek, Sparrow’s Beach consisted of a swimming beach, a picnic area, amusement rides and cabins.
Detailed History
Following her father’s death in 1929, Florence Sparrow inherited a portion of his farm. Mr. Sparrow had used part of his bayside farm as a picnic ground, attracting church groups from Annapolis, Baltimore and in time, Washington, DC for annual church events. In addition to a swimming beach, Florence Sparrow also advertised cabins for daily or weekly rent, and an amusement park with “carnival rides.”