Spence's Grill
Known Name(s)
Spence's Grill
2nd and Clay Richmond, VA
Establishment Type(s)
Physical Status
The latitude and longitude are placed at the intersection.
Detailed History
The first appearance in the historical record of Spence’s Grill was on April 29, 1958, when owner Barbara Blackwell Perry (1932-?) Perry published a public notice that she intended to apply for a license to sell beer and wine.
Prior to opening the Grill, newlyweds Barbara and Spencer Perry lived on Overbrook Road and he worked as an upholsterer. Barbara had grown up in Jackson Ward, the daughter of Melvin Blackwell, a waiter. She worked in a record shop. Spencer Perry had served in the United States military in World War II. He was active in the Richmond Crusade for Voters and an early supporter of Henry Marsh’s political career. Spencer and Barbara’s son, Spencer, Jr., desegregated J.E.B. Stuart elementary school (now Obama).
Spence’s Grill operated at 500 N. 2nd Street from 1958 or 1959 until no later than 1964. It advertised “home cooked food,” soft drinks, pies, and hot coffee.
Barbara and Spencer Perry also owned and operated Perry’s Restaurant on the same block, and also the Rendezvous East Supper Club on Jefferson Avenue.
History and photos courtesy Christopher Graham.