Sugar Hill

Sugar Hill Tavern on the east side of Druid Hill Avenue

Looking southeast at west facade and north elevation of Sugar Hill Tavern, now a liquor store.  

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Known Name(s)

Sugar Hill


2361 Druid Hill Avenue Baltimore, Maryland

Establishment Type(s)


Physical Status



The Sugar Hill Tavern is in the ground floor of the two-bay, two-story rowhouse standing in the southeast quadrant of Druid Hill Avenue and Whitelock Street.  It is formerly of brick, but has been clad in formstone, and the formstone extends to cover the wooden cornice.  The roof is flat and the windows have been replaced.  A one story shed roof addition on the north elevation features boarded up windows, as is the window in the west facade.  There is also a two story addition on the east elevation. Previously, the Sugar Hill Liquor sign extended across the pavement which is prohibited by Baltimore City law.

Detailed History

Still standing, but now a liquor store.  This building is directly across the street from the building where Willie Adams and his wife, Victorine, lived in in 1938, and where Adams' first restaurant "Little Willie's Inn" was located.  However, by the 1950s, ownership was with the Baumel and Jacobs families.  

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