
"Buffalo Courier Express" newspaper. License given to Swan Liquor Store.
October 23, 1950.
Known Name(s)
Swan & Hickory St. Buffalo, NY
Establishment Type(s)
Liquor Store
A one-and-a-half-story building on the south side of Swan St. where Hickory St. intersects; the building faces Swan St. The 1925 Sanborn Map shows the building set back from the street more than the other buildings. There is a rear extension at the back that is slightly longer but less wide than the store front. There it a third very small room attached to the second room slightly offset to the east. The current brick and frame one-story store front is a more modern addition.
Detailed History
Built in approximately 1900, the location ran as a liquor store from approximately 1945 to at least 1971. It was owned by Michael Borgisi, who was a fully disabled WWII veteran. Swan Liquor store was robbed or burglarized over a dozen times during its years of operation. The location is now the Montes Grocery store, which is still in operation.