Known Name(s)
439 Clarissa St. Rochester, NY
Establishment Type(s)
Physical Status
Vallot’s at 439 Clarissa Street was located in a three-story building with two storefronts. A dwelling was located in a two-story section to the rear. The building was of wooden frame construction. Today, this building no longer exists. The land on which it sat is adjacent to the Mt. Oliviet Baptist Church.
Detailed History
Vallot’s at 439 Clarissa Street was operated by Eunice Vallot, Alpheus Vallot, and Frank Vallot between the 1940s and 1960s. The Vallots came to Rochester from Louisianna. Vallot’s Tavern was associated with an “all negro” baseball team in 1949. Vallot’s faced a variety of troubles throughout the 1960s, including an illegal gambling operation in 1960 and a fire in 1965. Alphaeus Vallot, who lived at 439 Clarissa Street likely in the unit behind the tavern or an upstairs apartment, died in a car accident in 1961, and Frank, described as the bartender, died of a heart attack in 1962.