R. V. (R. J. ?)
Known Name(s)
R. J. Superservice (Primary) R. V. (R. J. ?) (Secondary)
411 East 38th St. Minneapolis, MN (Primary) (1948)3736 4th Avenue South Minneapolis, MN (Secondary) (1949)
Establishment Type(s)
Service Station
Physical Status
Detailed History
The business was listed in the Green Book as R.V. However, for the primary address at 411 38th St E, the 1948 city directory lists it as R J Super Service, with Ronald A. Judy and Raymond F. Johnson as the owners, 1950 city directory lists this address as Brabant Serv Stat. For the secondary address at 3736 4th Ave S, this address is a house. There is no city directory listing for 1949 to verify what was here. By 1950, Ronald A. Judy lived at this address and was a mechanic but no place of business was listed. Raymond F. Johnson was also listed this address and worked as a landscape gardener. It's possible the 1949 Green Book listing was in error. Or perhaps the house was also used as a tourist home.