Louisa Banks Means

Louisa (Louisiana, Annie) Banks Means married Nelson Means in York County, Virginia. The exact date is uncertain, since she listed her wedding month as July 1870, 1871, or 1876 in different documents in her pension application. Together, they had five children: Annie, Sarah, Mary, Julia, and William. Their children's birthdates, however, are unknown. Her husband deserted the family for three to four years to live in a soldiers' home, resulting in her filing a claim for half of his pension. Her husband died on September 29, 1901, and she secured a widow's pension in 1906. By 1928, she was receiving $40 a month. It is unclear when and where she died.

Name:Means, Louisa Banks
Alternative names:
  • Means, Louisiana Banks (alternative name)
  • Means, Annie Banks (alternative name)
  • Spouse
Branch of service:
Residence at enlistment:
Rank In:
Rank Out:
Highest rank achieved:
Person 1Person 2NumberRelation Type
Means, NelsonMeans, Louisa Banks750140application-widow
Means, NelsonMeans, Louisa Banks625568certificate-widow
Birth date:
Birth date certainty:
Birth place:
Death date:
Death place:
Causes of death:
Person 1Relation TypePerson 2
Means, Louisa Banksparent ofMeans, Annie
Means, Louisa Banksparent ofMeans, Sarah
Means, Louisa Banksparent ofMeans, Mary
Means, Louisa Banksparent ofMeans, Julia
Means, Louisa Banksparent ofMeans, William
Means, Louisa Bankswife ofMeans, Nelson

Pension Records for Nelson Means, RG15, National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.; National Military Soldiers' Home Records for Nelson Means, accessed through Ancestry.com.