Black Virginians in Blue
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Select one or more search filters below to search through the database of soldiers and their family members. Some slaveowners have been included to show connections between different individuals and families. Men are listed under the name that they enlisted under, and if they changed their name after the war that is given as an alternate name. Women's names reflect their full names at the time of their marriage to one of the Albemarle soldiers or sailors. Complete biographies have been written for every soldier, sailor, and their spouse, while soldiers' children, parents, and slaveowners exist only as database records. The search filters below only search database fields and not the text of individual biographies. To search for keywords or phrases across all of our biographies, use the search bar in the site's header.

Last Name First Name
Role Gender Race
Cause of Death
Regiment / Ship
Enlistment State Enlistment Year Enlistment Age
Rank In Rank Out
Died in Service Applied for Pension