Phebe (Phoebe) Calhoun (maiden name: Carter) married Willis Calhoun in slavery at the estate of her master, William Harrison, on October 7, 1846. They had seven children together: Margaret Ann, born August 15, 1852; Willis, born May 15, 1853; Calvin, born December 10, 1855; Louisa, born September 15, 1857; Susan, born June 15, 1858; Agnes, born May 1, 1862; and Samuel, who died in infancy before the war. Calhoun filed for a pension in 1868, and the government granted her $8 per month, backdated to her husband's death in 1864. She and her family continued to live in Missouri after the war. Phebe died sometime around May 4, 1907, when she was dropped from the pension roles.