Eliza Scott

Eliza Scott (maiden name: Brown or Lucas) married Spencer Carter (post-war name: Scott) in slavery around 1860 or 1861. They were both slaves of John Coles Carter, who moved from Albemarle County, Virginia, to Missouri in 1852 and owned 126 slaves on the eve of the war. Eliza and Spencer lived on Lick Farm in Lincoln County. They had two children together, including a daughter named Jennie. Her husband served in the Union army, and he returned from the war with a second wife from Baton Rouge. Eliza accordingly married another man. Nothing else is known about her life. 

Name:Scott, Eliza
Alternative names:
  • Carter, Eliza (alternative name)
  • Brown, Eliza (alternative name)
  • Lucas, Eliza (alternative name)
  • Spouse
Branch of service:
Residence at enlistment:Lick Farm Lincoln County, MO
Rank In:
Rank Out:
Highest rank achieved:
Birth date:
Birth date certainty:
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Death date:
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Causes of death:
Person 1Relation TypePerson 2
Carter, Sr., John Colesowner ofScott, Eliza
Scott, Elizaparent ofScott, Jennie
Scott, Elizawife ofCarter, Spencer

Pension Records for Spencer Carter, RG15, National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.