Fannie Burton Scott

Fannie Burton Scott married George Scott on May 15, 1879, in Paynesville, Missouri. Together, they had nine children, including Lena B., born in 1871; Alonzo, born in 1879; Carrie Scott Nelson, born in 1884; Benjamin Harrison, born September 3, 1891; Ada, whose birth date is unknown; Homer, whose birth date is unknown; and three others not named in their pension records. After her husband's death, Fannie unsuccessfully applied for a widow's pension. Pension agents denied her application because they believed she had started a new relationship. It is unclear when or where she died. 

Name:Scott, Fannie Burton
Alternative names:
  • Spouse
Branch of service:
Residence at enlistment:
Rank In:
Rank Out:
Highest rank achieved:
Person 1Person 2NumberRelation Type
Scott, GeorgeScott, Fannie Burton818931application-widow
Birth date:
Birth date certainty:
Birth place:
Death date:
Death place:
Causes of death:
Person 1Relation TypePerson 2
Scott, Fannie Burtonparent ofScott, Benjamin Harrison
Scott, Fannie Burtonparent ofNelson, Carrie Scott
Scott, Fannie Burtonparent ofScott, Ada
Scott, Fannie Burtonparent ofCrop, Lena B.
Scott, Fannie Burtonparent ofScott, Alonzo
Scott, Fannie Burtonparent ofScott, Homer
Scott, Fannie Burtonwife ofScott, George

Pension Records for George Scott, RG15, National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.