Hasseltine Davis

Hasseltine Davis (maiden name: Clack) married Thornton Davis in a slave marriage on June 20, 1858, near Hiseville, Barren County, Kentucky. They had six children together: George, born May 15, 1859; Tom, born December 10, 1862; Walter, born August 20, 1870; LuBell, born January 1, 1877; Will, born August 1881; and Joe, born October 16, 1886. Her husband died on November 27, 1909, in Knob Lick, Kentucky, and she secured a widow's pension of $30 per month soon afterwards. She died on June 7, 1920, in Hart County, Kentucky, due to complications from a cerebral hemorrhage.

Name:Davis, Hasseltine
Alternative names:
  • Clack, Hasseltine (alternative name)
  • Spouse
Branch of service:
Residence at enlistment:
Rank In:
Rank Out:
Highest rank achieved:
Person 1Person 2NumberRelation Type
Davis, ThorntonDavis, Hasseltine934157application-widow
Davis, ThorntonDavis, Hasseltine708006certificate-widow
Birth date:
Birth date certainty:
Birth place:
Death date:1920-06-07
Death place:Hart County, KY
Causes of death:disease: cerebral hemorrhage
Person 1Relation TypePerson 2
Davis, Hasseltineparent ofDavis, George
Davis, Hasseltineparent ofDavis, Tom
Davis, Hasseltineparent ofDavis, Walter
Davis, Hasseltineparent ofDavis, LuBell
Davis, Hasseltineparent ofDavis, Will
Davis, Hasseltineparent ofDavis, Joe
Davis, Hasseltinewife ofDavis, Thornton

Pension Records for Thornton Davis, RG15, National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.