In his pension testimony, James H. Garland gave details about his life before, during, and after the war.
Case of James H. Garland, No. 316813
On this fifth day of December, 1888, at Jackson Center, County of Mercer State of Pa, before me, N. H. Stevens, a Special Examiner of the Pension Office, personally appeared James H. Garland, who, being by me first duly sworn to answer truly all interrogatories propounded to him during his Special Examination of aforesaid pension claim, deposes and says: My name is James H. Garland. Residence and post-office address is Jackson Center, Mercer Co., Pa. Age forty eight years. Occupation barber. I am the claimant in this case. Several years before the war I moved with my mother from Virginia to Mercer, Mercer Co. Pa. and lived there until my mother died. I cannot give the date of her death but I think Dr. Yeager of Mercer can tell you. After my mother died I worked on a farm in Lawrence Co. for two years. Robt Mason of Harlinsburg, Pa owned the farm. I then returned to Mercer and attended school two or three years. I then went to New Castle, Lawrence Co., Pa and learned my trade. I went to New Castle in 1861. In 1863 I returned to Mercer, Pa. and opened a barber shop. In August 1864 I enlisted in Co. A. 127” U. S. C. T. I went from Mercer and enlisted at New Castle. I was mustered into service at New Brighton, Pa. Before I was mustered I was examined by an army surgeon. I was stripped and thoroughly examined by Dr. Robert D. Wallace. On the day of muster we went to Pittsburgh Pa and that night we went to Philadelphia, Pa. We then went to Camp Penn, near Philadelphia and staid there about four weeks. We went from Camp Penn by way of Baltimore to Deep Bottom, Va. We staid here two or three weeks building Fort Given and other fortifications. While at Deep Bottom Va. I was taken sick. I was stiff and sore all over. I received treatment from a regimental surgeon.
I do not know his name. I was not excused from duty. In the fall, we marched a few miles and built winter quarters. In a week we went to Fort Harrison, Va. and spent the winter. At Fort Harrison I was again taken sick and excused from duty by the regimental surgeon. I had rheumatism. I think in March 1865 we went to Hatches Run, Va. From here I was sent to Point of Rocks Hospital in Va. On the march to Hatches Run I gave out and the surgeon gave me an order to ride in an ambulance. I was treated for rheumatism at the hospital. I was in the hospital about a month. When I came from the hospital the regiment was near City Point, Va. not doing much of anything. About June we were sent to Texas. In Texas we did guard duty and drilling. I think we were on an island. The place was called Brazos Santiago, Texas. We were mustered out at this place in Sept. 1865. I had rheumatism while in Texas and was excused from duty at times. I had no sickness other than rheumatism while in the service. At Deep Bottom, Va when I was so stiff and sore for several days my speech and hearing was gone. I have been a little thick of hearing ever since.
I claim pension for rheumatism incurred at Deep Bottom and Fort Harrison, Va. in December 1864. I have never had any venereal disease. After I was mustered out of service I went to New Castle, Pa and worked in a barber shop. I was soon down with rheumatism and was treated by Dr. Barker of New Castle Pa. I was confined to the house for more than three months and then hobbled around on crutches for some time. Dr. Barker is dead. I was in New Castle until about 1872. I then went to Youngstown Ohio for a few weeks and then Warren Ohio. I was at Warren Ohio for more than two years. While there I was treated by several physicians. Dr. Woods and Dr. Harmon treated me the most. At Warren I was confined to my bed several months by rheumatism. From Warren I went to Vienna, Ohio and opened up a barber shop. I was here about two years and had some treatment from Dr. Hayes. I next moved to Burgh Hill, Ohio and was there some time. I then went to West Middlesex, Pa. and worked for Alex Steward in his barber shop. I then spent about four weeks in Mercer and then came here to Jackson Center. I have been here nearly three years. Since I have lived here Dr. J. B. McElrath has treated me. Before I entered the service I had never had rheumatism. I do not think I was ever sick before I went in the army I had never had even head ache or tooth ache. Since service I have been unable to perform manual labor fully three fourths the time. I have been disabled by rheumatism each and every year since discharge. I do not remember any of the names of our officers other than Capt. Huidekoper who left us at Fort Harrison, Va. Jacob Barnett of Allegheny Pa. was one of my bunkmates. Geo Lewis of Indian Run, Mercer Co., Pa. and Thomas Bogus of Bellevue, Allegheny Co., Pa., Thomas D. Johnson, a bricklayer in Youngstown Ohio were in my company and knew I had the rheumatism. Jake Barnett did live at 211 Grant Ave, Allegheny City, Pa but I think he has moved and that he now works for the Steel works a Manchester near Allegheny Pa. I am not an affiant in any of the claims of these comrades other than I was once called up by a Special Examiner to testify in the claim of Geo Lewis.
I did not apply for a pension until 1879 for the reason I was ignorant and did not know how to proceed. My friends finally got me to apply through Geo. E. Lemon of Washington, D.C. I seldom use spirits. I think I live a moral temperate life. I have understood your questions and my answers have been correctly recorded.
James. H Garland
Sworn to and subscribed before me this sixth day of Dec. 1888, and I certify that the contents were fully made known to deponent before signing.
N. H. Stevens,
Special Examiner.
Pension Records for James Garland, RG15, National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.