An exasperated letter from Wilson M. Evans's attorney to the pension office, arguing that more than enough evidence had been submitted to decide Evans's case.
Hillsboro, Ohio June 24, 1885
Sir, Respectfully released with the information that, if you ignore the evidence of Levi Moore and Dennis [Calamege] that the evidence of George Porter and Charles Nicholas is on file, and they were in said company. Evans said that if [Calamege] and Moore were not in Co “D”, 16th U. S. C. T., that, he was certainly existing in a shadow–– for he says he messed and bunked with each in said service, and if you can’t accept their statement, then there was no one in the company who can testify as they all stood on same footing as those and if their names are, or were not born on the rolls as aforesaid, then none of the rest were and consequently he has filed 5 comrades testimony and if you can not accept them and his statement it is no use to offer any more.
Respectfully, A. O. Wiggins
Pension Records for Wilson M. Evans, RG15, National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D. C.