In this meeting in March 1868, Robert H. Shannon declared the Radical Republican Party essential for the "success of republican principles."
There was a large meeting at the Fourth Ward club room Wednesday night. Speeches were made by Judge R. H. Shannon, Hon. P. B. S. Binchback [Pinchback], and Col. Hugh J. Campbell. The greatest enthusiasm prevailed. The following resolutions were adopted unanimously:
Whereas, The success of the Radical Republican party alone can secure the success of republican principles; and
Whereas, The Radical Republican party have, in their state and parish nominating conventions, made the nominations for the regular tickets; therefore be it
Resolved, That we indorse the regular nominees, state, parish, and municipal, from head to foot, and pledge ourselves to labor earnestly to secure them a glorious victory.
Resolved, That we denounce all bolters and disorganizers as office-seeking demagogues, and enemies to liberty and justice.
Resolved, That these resolutions be published in the New Orleans Republican.
Wm. Parker, President
The New Orleans Republican, March 27, 1868