UVA Unionists

Below are select examples of primary sources, presented with transcriptions, that were used in the writing of our project’s biographies and essays. In order to filter the documents, unclick the checkmark next to the types of documents (letters, pension records, medical records, newspaper articles, and other) that you do not want to see. Some documents may be listed under multiple categories (i.e. a letter printed in a newspaper). Document transcriptions can be searched for keywords by using the search bar in the site's header.

Letters Pension Records Medical Records Newspaper Articles Other

Jesse Q. Thornton Organizes an Anti-Abolition Meeting

May 21, 1836

In May 1836, Jesse Quinn Thornton helped organize an anti-abolition meeting in Palmyra, Missouri, during which he declared abolition "incompatible with the peace, happiness and security of our citizens"




Henry V. Morris to His Sister

September 21, 1836

Henry V. Morris describes his travels and his acquaintances to his sister, particularly focusing on his settling down in Charlottesville to begin his teaching position at the University of Virginia.

James M. Deems Praised for Genius

May 23, 1839

In 1839, The Baltimore Sun praised James M. Deems's "rare musical talents" and "laudable ambition."

William B. Rogers Describes Students' Political Meetings at UVA

November 14, 1844

In this "Memoranda of Official Transactions," William B. Rogers describes two political meetings at UVA in November 1844: a temperance procession and an election-day celebration.

William B. Rogers Discusses Student Riots at UVA

April 29, 1845

In this public letter from April 1845, William B. Rogers discusses the recent student riots at UVA.

Louis L. Conrad Protests the Kansas-Nebraska Act

March 19, 1854

In March 1854, Louis L. Conrad and other Pittsburgh ministers protested against the Kansas-Nebraska Act "in the name of God and Religion, in the name of Humanity and Liberty."

Samuel F. Few Plans a Pro-Slavery Newspaper

November 24, 1854

In 1854, Samuel F. Few published this prospectus for a proslavery newspaper, The Leavenworth Messenger.

Samuel F. Few Autopsy of Rees Perkins Brown

May 22, 1856

In this account published in the Chicago Tribune, Samuel F. Few details the story of performing an autopsy for a murder case and also shares his political opinions, calling himself "a pro-slavery man."

Philip F. Pinnell Advertises His Medical Practice

December 5, 1856

In this newspaper ad, Dr. Philip F. Pinnell advertised his expertise in "Surgery, Obstetrics and Medicine."

Walter S. Ditto Chosen to Escort James Buchanan to D.C.

February 25, 1857

In 1857, students at Franklin and Marshall College chose Walter S. Ditto to escort James Buchanan to Washington, D.C., for his presidential inauguration. 

James O. Broadhead to William F. Broadhead

February 7, 1858

James O. Broadhead writes a letter to his younger brother, William, affirming his decision to leave UVA due to its overwhelmingly secessionist attitude. 

William B. Rogers to Henry D. Rogers, February 8, 1858

February 8, 1858

In this letter to his brother, William B. Rogers condemns Kansas's pro-slavery Lecompton Constitution, the "weakness" of President James Buchanan, and the "madness of the Southern fire-eaters."

William M. Fishback Calls for Moderation After John Brown's Raid

November 11, 1859

After John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry, Virginia, William M. Fishback denounced sectional extremists in the North and the South. He championed moderation, hoping to realign the country's political parties on "broad, national and constitutional grounds."

James O. Broadhead Speaks at Opposition Party Meeting in Missouri

March 8, 1860

As the election of 1860 approached, James O. Broadhead and his allies endorsed Missouri lawyer Edward Bates for president. They also attacked the Democratic Party and called for the "preservation of the Federal Union at all hazards."

James O. Broadhead Endorses Abraham Lincoln in 1860

October 19, 1860

In this letter to a Missouri Republican Club, James O. Broadhead endorsed Abraham Lincoln for president, arguing that Lincoln would preserve slavery "just where it is and as it is."

Robert E. Rogers to William B. Rogers (1)

February 3, 1861

Robert E. Rogers explains to his brother his efforts to preserve order among his students in spite of the tensions escalating between students from different parts of the country in early 1861.

Warner and Lucy Underwood Face the Secession Crisis

February 5, 1861

In this diary entry from February 1861, daughter Josie Underwood describes Warner and Lucy Underwood's reactions to the secession crisis.

James M. Deems's "All Hail to the Union"

February 11, 1861

One of the pieces that James M. Deems composed before the Civil War.

Excerpt of James O. Broadhead's Speech Before the Missouri Convention

March 14, 1861

In this 1861 speech, James O. Broadhead argues against secession for the state of Missouri, but does not argue against slavery. 

William B. Rogers Raises Money for the Union War Effort

April 23, 1861

In this letter from April 1861, William B. Rogers helps raise money to purchase knapsacks for a regiment of Massachusetts soldiers. 

Alexander W. Baldwin Drafts Unionist Resolutions

May 11, 1861

In May 1865, Alexander W. Baldwin helped organize a Unionist meeting in California and drafted resolutions vowing to forget "all past political differences, party names and issues" and rally around the American flag.

Alexander W. Baldwin Denounces Secession

May 19, 1861

In May 1861, Alabama-native Alexander W. Baldwin published a public letter denouncing secession and arguing that “this [Confederate] revolution was not the act of the Southern people.” 

James Ancrum Winslow to John B. Minor

May 21, 1861

In this letter to Professor Minor, James A. Winslow describes conditions and attitudes in the North immediately after the firing on Fort Sumter. 

Robert H. Shannon Declares His Devotion to the Union

May 21, 1861

In this tribute to a fallen comrade, Robert H. Shannon and other New York officers rhapsodized the Civil War as the "holiest war in which patriots ever engaged or heroes fell."

Commission of Charles Ewing

August 16, 1861

President Abraham Lincoln signed Charles Ewing's commission as captain in August 1861.

William B. Rogers to Henry D. Rogers, August 21, 1861

August 21, 1861

In this letter to his brother, William B. Rogers calls for an "energetic prosecution of the war" and denounces "Democrats of the Breckenridge stripe" as "dangerous persons, easily connected with traitors."

John Phillips Turner Describes Wartime West Virginia

September 2, 1861

In this letter to his future wife, John Phillips Turner describes conditions in "Kanawha State" (West Virginia) during the war and expresses his commitment to the Union.

Charles H. McElroy Raises a Volunteer Company

September 13, 1861

In the fall of 1861, Charles H. McElroy organized a company of volunteers, and this local editor urged residents to quarter them in their homes while they trained.

James O. Broadhead to Montgomery Blair, September 30, 1861

September 30, 1861

In this letter to Postmaster General Montgomery Blair, James O. Broadhead described conditions in wartime Missouri, emphasizing that "every thing is at stake...not only the triumph of the Union cause in Missouri--but the lives & property of its loyal citizens."

Charles H. McElroy Calls for Volunteers

October 4, 1861

In the fall of 1861, Charles H. McElroy published this ad calling for volunteers to "sustain the Government, put down rebellion and rebuke sympathizers with treason."

John A. Hunter to General Rosecrans

December 12, 1861

In this letter to General William S. Rosecrans, John A. Hunter recommends his friend for a position on the general's staff and thanks Rosecrans for past kindness toward him. 

South Carolina Legislators Denounce John Fox Hammond

December 23, 1861

In December 1861, a South Carolina lawmaker introduced this resolution denouncing John Fox Hammond and other South Carolina Unionists as "false-hearted traitors." The General Assembly did not take a vote on the resolution. 

James O. Broadhead to Bernard Gaines Farrar

February 2, 1862

In this letter to fellow UVA Unionist Bernard G. Farrar, James O. Broadhead makes the case for slaves who were pressed into Confederate service to be released from a Union prison. 

Benjamin F. Dowell Calls for Compromise

April 16, 1862

In this public letter from April 1862, Benjamin F. Dowell blamed both the "fanatical abolition party at the North and the secession nullification party at the South" for provoking the Civil War, and he called for "conciliation and compromise."

William B. Rogers to Henry D. Rogers, April 28, 1862

April 28, 1862

In this letter to his brother, William B. Rogers celebrates the Union army's prospects as they appeared in April 1862.

Henry T. Dixon Files for Compensation under D.C. Emancipation Law

May 9, 1862

In this petition, Henry T. Dixon requested compensation for William Johnson, an enslaved laborer freed by the District of Columbia Emancipation Act of 1862.

Solomon R. Burford to Andrew Johnson

May 11, 1862

In this letter to Tennessee Governor Andrew Johnson, Solomon R. Burford expresses his devotion to the Union and asks Johnson to provide "pecuniary assistence" to his cousin.

Bernard G. Farrar Calls for Arrest of Confederate Sympathizers

June 12, 1862

As Provost Marshal General, Bernard G. Farrar declared Missouri's Confederate sympathizers "traitors" and ordered their arrest. 

Charles B. Calvert and John W. Menzies, Border State Congressmen to Abraham Lincoln

July 14, 1862

Charles B. Calvert and John W. Menzies, along with other congressmen from Kentucky, Virginia, Missouri, and Maryland, address President Lincoln's March 6, 1862 resolution involving a proposal to emancipate slaves in the border states.

Charles Ewing to His Father (1)

July 16, 1862

In this letter to his father written in the summer of 1862, Charles Ewing expresses his displeasure and shame at not being posted to a regiment serving at the front.

Bernard G. Farrar Enforces Emancipation

August 16, 1862

In August 1862, Provost Marshal General Bernard G. Farrar enforced General John Schofield's order to free the slaves of Confederate owners. 

Address of Charles B. Calvert to His Constituents

August 19, 1862

Sixth Congressional District of Maryland U.S. Representative Charles B. Calvert defends his political actions by claiming that he is and always has been one of the "Unconditional Union men." He encourages his constituents to follow suit. He adds that entangled with his reverence for the Union are his fear and anger concerning abolitionists' efforts to circumvent fugitive slave laws and enlist other politicians like Lincoln to work with them toward emancipation. However, he finds these frustrations secondary to the threat of disunion.

James P. Sterrett Declares Copperheads Traitors

October 13, 1862

In October 1862, Judge James P. Sterrett declared Copperheads "traitors at heart" and argued that the "present is no time for neutrality."


Charles Ewing to His Father (2)

November 29, 1862

In November 1862, Charles Ewing wrote to his father about joining his brother-in-law, General William T. Sherman, at the front.

Robert H. Shannon to Edwin D. Morgan

March 13, 1863

Unionist Robert Henry Shannon writes to ex-governor of New York, Edwin D. Morgan, asking for help in getting a position within the Union army. 

Samuel F. Few as Civil War Surgeon

March 14, 1863

This article describes the hospital managed by Samuel F. Few during the Civil War.

Wilson C. Swann Organizes July 4th Celebration

May 25, 1863

As a member of the Union League of Philadelphia, Wilson Cary Swann helped organize an Independence Day celebration in 1863 to reaffirm the power and permanence of the Union.

William A. Curry Helps Found an Emancipation League

July 11, 1863

In July 1863, William A. Curry helped organize a Union and Emancipation League in Jefferson City, Missouri.

Robert H. Shannon to Abraham Lincoln

October 1, 1863

In this letter, Robert H. Shannon asks President Abraham Lincoln to appoint him as a federal judge in South Carolina, Texas, or "such place as may be open."

Isaac P. Caldwell Asks Permission to Travel to Illinois

October 13, 1863

In this letter from October 1863, Isaac P. Caldwell asked local officials for permission to travel from Missouri to Illinois to "get a load of Potatoes Cabbage ++."

William W. Edwards Calls for Emancipation

November 2, 1863

In September 1863, William W. Edwards attended a convention of radical Unionists in Jefferson City, Missouri, and he helped draft a platform calling for immediate emancipation.

Arthur Crisfield Prevented from Voting

November 4, 1863

In November 1863, Arthur Crisfield attempted to vote for his father, a conservative Unionist congressman running for reelection. Union cavalry officer Charles C. Moore stopped Crisfield and interrogated him about his political beliefs. When an election judge protested the interrogation, Moore arrested the judges and shut down the polling place.

William P. Rucker to Abraham Lincoln (1)

January 1, 1864

In this letter to President Abraham Lincoln, William P. Rucker declared his commitment to the Union and asked for a commission in the Union army. 

William M. Fishback to Abraham Lincoln, January 31, 1864

January 31, 1864

In this telegram, William M. Fishback notified President Abraham Lincoln of Arkansas's upcoming election and asking him to "allow Military Commanders to favor the voting fully and freely."

Robert H. Shannon Addresses a Unionist Rally in Louisiana

February 11, 1864

In February 1864, Robert H. Shannon spoke at a "great ratification meeting" in New Orleans, which sought to restore Louisiana to the Union by electing Unionist Michael Hahn as governor and ratifying a new anti-slavery state constitution. 

Wade-Davis Bill

February 15, 1864

The Wade-Davis Bill, co-authored by UVA Unionist Henry Winter Davis, calls for stricter terms for re-entry into the Union by former Confederate states than those proposed by President Lincoln. 

William M. Fishback's Unconditional Unionist

February 19, 1864

During the war, William M. Fishback published a newspaper called "The Unconditional Unionist" in Arkansas. This is but one example of the hardline anti-secessionist articles published in that paper.

William M. Fishback Discusses Arkansas's Spring 1864 Election Results

April 11, 1864

In April 1864, William M. Fishback discusses Arkansas's recent Unionist election and notes that the new legislature is "radical to the core and almost to a man." 

William Fishback Recounts His Wartime Experiences

June 17, 1864

In this letter to Kansas Senator James H. Lane, William M. Fishback describes his experiences and justifies his conduct during the Civil War. Arkansas's state legislature had elected Fishback to the Senate in 1864, and senators were debating whether to allow him to take his seat. 

Caroline McElroy Raises Money for Soldiers' Families

June 24, 1864

During the Civil War, Caroline McElroy--Charles H. McElroy's wife--joined the local Ladies Relief Society and helped raise money for "the families of Volunteers and the 'worthy poor.'"

Joseph C. Breckinridge Diary Entries

July 22, 1864

These excerpts from Joseph C. Breckinridge's diary, beginning on July 22, 1864, detail his time as a prisoner of war, his personal reflections on New Years' Eve of 1864, his thoughts on Lee's surrender, and his reaction to Lincoln's assassination.

Wade-Davis Manifesto

August 9, 1864

Benjamin Wade and UVA Unionist Henry Winter Davis published this manifesto outlining the problems with Lincoln's plan for readmitting Confederate states into the Union. 

Charles Irving Wilson to Lorenzo Thomas

August 20, 1864

In a letter to General Lorenzo Thomas, Charles Irving Wilson details his service as a surgeon with the U. S. Army. 

Margaret A. Rucker to Abraham Lincoln

August 25, 1864

In this letter to President Abraham Lincoln, Margaret A. Rucker describes her husband William P. Rucker's service as "secret agent and guide" for the Union army.

James E. Montandon Defends Johnsonville, Tennessee

November, 1864

In November 1864, James E. Montandon helped defend Johnsonville, Tennessee, from Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest.

Robert E. Rogers to William B. Rogers (2)

November 12, 1864

Robert E. Rogers writes to his brother about his brother's health and their shared love for their country.

Thomas Swann to Abraham Lincoln

November 12, 1864

In November 1864, Thomas Swann congratulated Abraham Lincoln on being reelected as president.

Philip F. Pinnell Describes His Mother's Illness

December 9, 1864

In this letter, Philip F. Pinnell describes his mother's struggle with typhoid pneumonia and urges his father to return home from the army to see her. 

Charles Ewing Takes Part in the March to the Sea (1)

December 15, 1864

In this letter to his father, Charles Ewing describes General William T. Sherman's March to the Sea. 

Charles Ewing Takes Part in the March to the Sea (2)

December 31, 1864

In this letter to his father, Charles Ewing describes the "perfect faith which the army had" in General William T. Sherman.

William M. Fishback to Abraham Lincoln

January 26, 1865

William M. Fishback writes to President Lincoln asking that he readmit Arkansas, Louisiana, and Tennessee into the Union with "their former priviledges."

William M. Fishback to Abraham Lincoln, March 19, 1865

March 19, 1865

In this letter, William M. Fishback asks President Abraham Lincoln for an appointment as a treasury agent in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Solomon R. Burford Registers His Plantation with the Freedmen's Bureau

March 20, 1865

In March 1865, Solomon R. Burford registered his Mississippi plantations with the Freedmen's Bureau, ensuring that the government did not consider them "abandoned and confiscable lands."


William P. Rucker to Abraham Lincoln (2)

March 22, 1865

In this letter to President Abraham Lincoln, William P. Rucker briefly declares his "devotion to the Union" and describes his long imprisonment. 

Louis L. Conrad Mourns Lincoln's Death

April 21, 1865

In April 1865, Louis L. Conrad attended a meeting in Manchester, Pennsylvania, to mourn the death of President Abraham Lincoln. Conrad presented a series of resolutions and delivered an address filled with "patriotic ferver."

Louis C. Perret Mourns Lincoln's Death

April 22, 1865

In April 1865, Louis C. Perret attended a meeting in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, to mourn the death of President Abraham Lincoln.

Henry Winter Davis Calls for Black Suffrage

May 27, 1865

In this letter from May 1865, former Congressman Henry Winter Davis supported "universal suffrage and equality before the law." He hoped that Black voters would form the backbone of a southern Republican Party, which would ensure "national peace and safety."

James M. Rutland to Andrew Johnson

July 6, 1865

In July 1865, James M. Rutland wrote to President Andrew Johnson, urging him not to remove federal soldiers from South Carolina.

William E. Bond Petitions Andrew Johnson

August 7, 1865

In August 1865, William E. Bond petitioned President Andrew Johnson to remove federal soldiers from North Carolina.

Wilson Queen Swears Amnesty Oath

September 1, 1865

In September 1865, after serving in the Confederate army, Wilson Queen swore an oath to uphold the Constitution and accept emancipation. 

William E. Bond Runs for Congress

October 25, 1865

William E. Bond ran for Congress in the fall of 1865 as a "quiet, conscientious, Constitutional Union man." He opposed "negro suffrage on any terms" and hoped to restore North Carolina to the Union "in the shortest possible time." 

Henry J. Churchman to Edwin M. Stanton, November 1, 1865

November 1, 1865

In this letter, Henry J. Churchman asked Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton to make him a brevet lieutenant colonel "as a reward of faithful service." The War Department granted his request later that month.

Account of Gunfight between Henry T. Dixon and Thomas C. Maddux

November 10, 1865

This article from the Alexandria Gazette gives detail on the gunfight between Henry T. Dixon and Thomas C. Maddux that ultimately resulted in Dixon's death. 

Business Card of Henry J. Churchman

March 29, 1866

Dr. Henry J. Churchman published his business card in the Nebraska Advertiser in early 1866, describing himself as a former army surgeon and a graduate of the University of Virginia medical department.

Ulysses S. Grant Assists Henry T. Dixon's Family

August 4, 1866

In this letter, General Ulysses S. Grant asks Postmaster General Alexander W. Randall to find "suitable employment" for Annie Dixon, whose husband Henry T. Dixon had been "murdered by a Virginia ex-rebel officer."

James O. Broadhead Meets with President Andrew Johnson

August 22, 1866

In 1866, James O. Broadhead and other Missouri conservatives met with President Andrew Johnson to protest against Radical Reconstruction.

James O. Broadhead Protests Radical Reconstruction

August 22, 1866

In 1866, James O. Broadhead signed this appeal "to the soldiers and sailors" who served in the Union military, denouncing Radical Reconstruction and calling for reconciliation with former Confederates.

William Fishback Denounces Radical Reconstruction

August 24, 1866

In this letter to the National Union Club, William M. Fishback accused Radical Republicans of stoking sectional conflict and seeking "revenge" against the South. He supported President Andrew Johnson's lenient plan for Reconstruction and urged Unionists to work toward a "lasting and an universal peace." 

James M. Deems Attends a Soldiers' Meeting

September 12, 1866

In 1866, James M. Deems attended a Baltimore soldiers' meeting, which denounced President Andrew Johnson and conservative Governor Thomas Swann. The soldiers denounced Confederates as "traitors" and expressed support for the 14th Amendment.

Joseph Rundle, Jr., Defends Radical Reconstruction

September 15, 1866

In 1866, Joseph Rundle, Jr., and dozens of other Maryland Unionists protested President Andrew Johnson's lenient plans for Reconstruction. 

Rebecca Shunk Discusses Her Wartime Experiences

November 6, 1866

In this letter from November 1866, Rebecca Shunk discusses her conservative Unionism and her southern sympathies. 

John W. Menzies's Resolutions on Reconstruction

January 26, 1867

In Menzies's resolutions on Reconstruction, John W. Menzies and other citizens of Kentucky demand that Kentucky's powers and rights as a state be honored as intended by the balance of powers between the state and the federal government in the U.S. Constitution. He expresses Kentucky citizens' faith in the U.S. Constitution while also declaring their disdain for the events that took place at the Thirty-ninth Congress.


Charles P. Redmond Calls for Reconciliation

April 11, 1867

In the Arkansas State Union Convention in April 1867, Charles P. Redmond called for the "cooperation of all citizens of the State" and assured former Confederates that Unionists "desire no proscription, no confiscation, [and] no laws that interfere with any of their rights."

James M. Deems Champions Civil Rights

July 10, 1867

In 1867, James M. Deems attended a Union League meeting in Baltimore, where he declared racial discrimination "anti-republican" and called for African-American civil rights and suffrage.

James M. Rutland Declares Himself a "Union Republican"

September 11, 1867

In this letter, published in September 1867, James M. Rutland declared himself a "Union Republican" and accepted African American education and "legal and political rights."

Charles A. Briggs Studies Theology in Berlin


Charles A. Briggs studied theology at the University of Berlin from 1866 to 1869. He described his course of study in this letter to his friend Henry B. Smith.

Robert H. Shannon Defends the Radical Republican Party

March 27, 1868

In this meeting in March 1868, Robert H. Shannon declared the Radical Republican Party essential for the "success of republican principles." 

Benjamin F. Dowell Endorses Ulysses S. Grant

July 13, 1868

In this public letter from 1868, Benjamin F. Dowell defended Reconstruction and endorsed Republican candidate Ulysses S. Grant for president. 

Jacob S. Boreman Elected to the Missouri State Legislature

October 13, 1869

In October 1869, Jacob S. Boreman, running as a Republican, won a seat in the Missouri state legislature.

Isaac P. Caldwell Runs for Circuit Court Judge

October 21, 1870

In 1870, The Holt County Sentinel supported Isaac P. Caldwell's candidacy to become a circuit court judge. The editor praised him as an "able lawyer and an upright citizen of irreproachable character."

John L. Hodge Confesses to Embezzlement

September 10, 1871

In this letter, John L. Hodge confessed to embezzling nearly $450,000 from the army.

John L. Hodge Arrested

September 20, 1871

In 1871, John L. Hodge was arrested and sentenced to ten years in prison for embezzling army money.

Louis C. Perret Organizes Liberal Republican Party Meeting

July 19, 1872

In July 1872, Louis C. Perret organized a Liberal Republican Party meeting in Carrollton, Louisiana, hoping to bring an end to Reconstruction and "reform" the state and federal governments.

Jacob S. Boreman as Editor of the Kansas City Bulletin

January 26, 1873

In 1873, a rival editor recounted the history of the Kansas City Bulletin, which Jacob S. Boreman had edited several years earlier. 

Annie E. Dixon Describes Her Wartime Experiences

August 8, 1873

In 1873, Annie E. Dixon sought compensation from the Southern Claims Commission for crops and fence rails used by the Union army. In her claim, she testified to her devotion to the Union army and described the persecution she experienced from Confederate officials. 


Obituary of James M. Rutland

April 22, 1874

The Fairfield Herald published this obituary for James M. Rutland in 1874, praising his "honesty and sturdy independence of character."


Bernard Gaines Farrar's New York Times Interview

July 24, 1874

In this interview with The New York Times, Bernard Gaines Farrar recounts a scandal caused by General Tuttle while the two were stationed in Natchez. 

Memoirs of General William T. Sherman


In his memoirs, General William T. Sherman described the turmoil in St. Louis, Missouri, at the start of the war. Sherman, Charles Ewing, and John Hunter witnessed the rioting that broke out in St. Louis after Union forces captured a unit of secessionists at nearby Camp Jackson.

John Fox Hammond Testimony of Health Issues

April 8, 1875

John Fox Hammond gives testimony of his health issues in order to secure a pension. 

July 1, 1875

In this Decoration Day poem from 1875, James A. Winslow calls for reconciliation with former Confederates.

Jacob S. Boreman as Utah Supreme Court Justice

July 17, 1875

Jacob S. Boreman served on the Utah Territory's Supreme Court from 1873 to 1880 and 1885 to 1889. This letter from 1875 described his as a "prompt, energetic man, who has no fears of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day-Saints."

Samuel Hepburn Endorses Democratic Candidate Samuel Tilden

July 7, 1876

In 1876, Samuel Hepburn delivered a "short and forcible speech" in favor of Democratic presidential candidate Samuel Tilden.

James M. Deems Offers to Raise a Cavalry Regiment during Reconstruction

November 24, 1876

In this letter to President Ulysses S. Grant, music teacher James M. Deems offers to raise a cavalry regiment in Maryland to help defend the federal government.

Preface to Samuel E. W. Becker's "Humors of a Congressional Investigating Committee: A Review of the Report of the Joint Special Committee to Investigate Chinese Immigration"


This preface offers a brief overview and explanation of Samuel E. W. Becker's review article concerning Chinese immigration to the U.S., "Humors of a Congressional Investigating Committee."

Patrick H. Darby Attends Democratic Party Meeting

January 17, 1877

At a Democratic Party meeting in January 1877, Patrick H. Darby accused Republicans of fraud and urged Congress to name Democrat Samuel J. Tilden the next president of the United States.

Henry J. Churchman Pension Testimony

July 6, 1877

Henry J. Churchman gives testimony as to his war-related injuries and illnesses in order to obtain a pension. 

Jacob S. Boreman Opposes Women's Suffrage

October 15, 1880

The Utah Territory granted women the right to vote in 1870, and the territory's Supreme Court upheld the act ten years later. In this dissent, however, Jacob S. Boreman, argued that the act was "unconstitutional, unjust and unfair."

Obituary of Henry J. Churchman

January 25, 1881

In this obituary, the Staunton Spectator described Henry J. Churchman as a "man of kind heart, and highly regarded by all who knew him."

Obituary of William V. Loving

September 4, 1883

The Kentucky Courier Journal published this obituary of William V. Loving in September 1883, praising him as a "fearless, able and upright Judge" and a "high-toned Christian gentleman."


Obituary of Samuel E. W. Becker

February 12, 1884

An obituary for Samuel E. W. Becker.

Pinnell Family Poisoned with Arsenic

July 1, 1885

On July 1, 1885, Philip F. Pinnell, Cecelia Pinnell, and their children fell gravely ill after drinking coffee laced with arsenic.

Robert H. Shannon Defends Women's Suffrage

January 10, 1887

In 1887, Robert H. Shannon spoke out in defense of Lucy Barber, who had been indicted by a grand jury for "maliciously, willfully and unlawfully" voting in the state's 1886 election.

William T. Sherman to Paymaster General on Behalf of Joseph C. Breckinridge

March 26, 1887

General William T. Sherman, retired lieutenant general, wrote a letter of endorsement for his friend Joseph C. Breckinridge to the army's paymaster general.

Obituary for Elbridge McConkey

May 31, 1887

This obituary was published in the Carslile Weekly Herald and gives details about Major McConkey's life as well as his suicide. 

Obituary of Jesse Q. Thornton

February 7, 1888

The Salem Statesman Journal published this obituary of Jesse Q. Thornton in February 1888, praising him as a "venerable and well-known lawyer-pioneer" who played a crucial role in "shaping [the] destinies" of the "great northwest." 

Rosser D. Bohannon to Charles Scott Venable Regarding Albert H. Tuttle

May 18, 1888

R. D. Bohannon writes to Charles Scott Venable recommending Albert H. Tuttle for the position of Biology professor at UVA. 

Albert H. Tuttle to Charles Scott Venable

May 22, 1888

Albert H. Tuttle writes to Charles Scott Venable expressing his desire to become the new Chair of Biology at UVA and lists his qualifications as well as gives some educational and family history. 

General William T. Sherman Testimony on Behalf of Virginia M. Ewing

June 24, 1889

General William T. Sherman writes a letter to the Commissioner of Pensions on behalf of Charles Ewing's widow, Virginia M. Ewing. 

Obituary of Samuel Hepburn

April 4, 1890

A local Pennsylvania newspaper published this obituary for Samuel Hepburn in 1890.

Report to Congress Regarding Henry T. Dixon

April 15, 1890

This report to Congress helped Henry T. Dixon's widow, Annie, to secure a higher rate on her pension and details events of Dixon's life and death.

Obituary of George L. Febiger

January 26, 1891

The New Haven Morning Courier-Journal published this obituary of George L. Febiger in January 1891, praising him as a "noble spirit, a brave hearted gentleman, and a loyal, generous friend." 

Samuel F. Few Obituary

December 3, 1892

This obituary for Samuel F. Few was published in The Leavenworth Standard and described the events of Dr. Few's life both before and after the war. 

William E. Hopkins Service Record

January 2, 1895

This service record gives a complete list of all changes throughout William E. Hopkins's naval career as well as dates for each event. 

Wilson Queen Account of Both Union and Confederate Service

January 17, 1895

As a part of his pension record, Wilson Queen describes his service for both the Union and Confederate armies. 

Obituary of Gabriel L. Buckner

October 22, 1896

In this obituary, The Courier-Journal celebrated Gabriel Lewis Buckner as one of Louisville's "leading and best citizens."

Douglas W. Tice Pension Testimony

December 4, 1896

Douglas W. Tice gives testimony as to his discharge from the army during the war. 

William P. Rucker Description of Wartime Service

October 11, 1897

William P. Rucker described his wartime service and subsequent injuries as part of his pension claim. 

Biography of Henry V. Morris


This brief biography details Henry V. Morris's engineering career and his roles in the Union Army.

Obituary of James O. Broadhead

August 8, 1898

The Kansas City Star published this obituary for James O. Broadhead in August 1898, describing him as "one of the leaders of the Democratic party of this country."

Magnus W. Stribling Admitted to Soldiers' Home

June 10, 1899

This document gives details on Magnus Stribling being accepted to the Central Branch of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers in Dayton, Ohio.

Obituary of James M. Deems

April 19, 1901

An obituary for UVA Unionist and music teacher James M. Deems.

Obituary of William S. Forbes

December 18, 1905

The Philadelphia Inquirer published this obituary of William S. Forbes in 1905, celebrating his "brilliant career."

Obituary of James W. Hancock

December 27, 1905

The Austin American-Statesman published this obituary for James W. Hancock in 1905.

Service Record for Isaac P. Caldwell

July 9, 1906

The Commissioner of Pensions requests to see the service record of Isaac P. Caldwell, which details his various military support jobs and the amount he was paid for each.

Hopkinsville Lawyers Pay Tribute to Joseph I. Landes

December 5, 1907

In December 1907, the members of the Hopkinsville bar paid tribute to Joseph I. Landes, praising his "fearlessness, honesty of purpose, and clearness of judgment" and calling him one of "Kentucky's ablest attorneys."

Obituary of William O. Eversfield

January 24, 1908

This obituary for William O. Eversfield noted his military service and his long career with the Maryland Agricultural College.

William H. Gillum Testimony on behalf of Marion Goss

February 8, 1908

William H. Gillum gives testimony in the pension of Marion Goss about Goss's medical history in order to help him secure a pension. 

Obituary for Marion Goss

December 23, 1908

This obituary for Marion Goss was published in the Rockville Tribune and details Goss's life as well as mentions his friendship with fellow UVA Unionist Joseph Noble. 

Obituary for Patrick Henry Darby

July 3, 1909

This obituary for Patrick Henry Darby describes much of his life after the war and gives details about his family. 

Testimony of Charles B. McConkey on behalf of Fanny McConkey

February 15, 1910

Charles B. McConkey describes his father Elbridge McConkey's injuries from his horse falling on him during a mission in order to help his mother, Frances W. McConkey, obtain a widow's pension. 

Rejection of Widow's Pension for Grace L. Woodson

April 29, 1913

This letter informs Grace Woodson, widow of UVA Unionist Richard Goodridge Woodson, that she is not eligible for a widow's pension due to her husband's dishonorable discharge from the service. 

UVA Alumni News Obituary for Charles Irving Wilson

September 17, 1913

This obituary for Charles Irving Wilson was published in the UVA Alumni News and gives detail of Wilson's military service. 

Obituary for Charles A. Briggs in UVA Alumni Bulletin

October, 1913

William Forest contributed this obituary for UVA Unionist and famous theologian Charles A. Briggs to the UVA Alumni Bulletin.

Obituary of Jacob S. Boreman

October 13, 1913

In this obituary, the Salt Lake Tribune praised Jacob Smith Boreman as an "upright, just, conscientious judge" who stood "firm in his allegiance to the Government."

Charles Irving Wilson in "Neglected Alumni" Article

October 14, 1913

This article was originally published in The Staunton Daily News and has an obituary for Charles Irving Wilson as well as challenges the UVA Alumni News to give equal weight to Confederate and Union service by former students. 

Medical Records for Wray Wirt Davis


Wray Wirt Davis's medical records give some background of his life and detail the various injuries and illnesses he acquired while serving in the U. S. Army. 

Obituary of Wray Wirt Davis

February 11, 1914

The Evening Star published this biography of Wray Wirt Davis in 1914, praising him as a "superb cavalryman."

Obituary of Edwin R. Bush

October 10, 1914

The Sacramento Bee published this obituary for Edwin R. Bush in October 1914.

Albert H. Tuttle Presents Paper at Scientists' Meeting

January 5, 1927

This article was originally published in The News Leader (Staunton, VA) and notes that several UVA professors, including Unionist Albert H. Tuttle, presented research at the annual meeting for the American Association for the Advancement of Science. 

Helen S. Doan to Commissioner E. W. Morgan

June 7, 1928

Helen S. Doan, widow of UVA Unionist Francis M. Doan, writes a letter to Commissioner E. W. Morgan thanking him for help with her pension claim. 

Obituary of Elizabeth S. Edwards

March 21, 1941

In March 1941, the St. Louis Globe-Democrat published this obituary of Elizabeth S. Edwards.