UVA Unionists
Welcome to the Nau Center's second digital project, UVA Unionists. This project is dedicated to telling the story of the 64 UVA students and 5 University instructors or professors who served in the Union army, navy, or state militias during the American Civil War. In addition, at least 26 UVA alumni supported the Union war effort as civilians: congressmen, state politicians, civic leaders, editors, teachers, and ministers. 
If this is your first visit to the site, we recommend reading our two overview essays to get a better understanding of the project's scope and findings (during the war and after the war).
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The interactive map pinpoints UVA Unionist's birth and death places, demonstrating the geographical diversity of UVA men who fought for the Union during the war as well as their post-war movement. Read more >
Browse a database of military records, letters, and pension files to learn more about individual UVA Union sailors and soldiers and their families during and after the American Civil War. Read more >
Essays provide an overview of the UVA Unionist project and dive deeply into the stories of particular UVA men during and after the war.