James O. Broadhead Endorses Abraham Lincoln in 1860
October 19, 1860

In this letter to a Missouri Republican Club, James O. Broadhead endorsed Abraham Lincoln for president, arguing that Lincoln would preserve slavery "just where it is and as it is."

Republicanism in Missouri

Letter from James O. Broadhead

James O. Broadhead, of St. Louis, writes to the Republican club at Jefferson, Mo., a long letter expressive of his faith in Republican doctrines. After discussing the claims of the rival candidates, he speaks of Mr. Lincoln:

His election will determine the future policy of the country in regard to slavery, fix the status of the institution, as I believe permanently—and coming into power on a settled line of policy with a large popular vote in its favor, his election will do more to quiet the unnatural and unnecessary agitation on the subject than any other political event which could happen. To suppose that Mr. Lincoln could do anything to inflame the public mind, or to jeopardy the rights of any section of the confederacy, is to suppose that he would be unmindful of the influence of personal ambition, and of the glory which would attach to an administration that should leave the country prosperous, peaceful and happy. Of one thing we may rest assured, in case of his election, that we would have no foreign wars gotten up for the purpose of acquiring slave territory; no ignominious propositions to cheat a weak neighbor by treaty stipulations out of territory for the same purpose; no exercise of the federal authority to force the institution upon an unwilling people, as in the case of Kansas. The country would be satisfied that the institution would remain, so far as the federal government is concerned, just where it is and as it is; the South would see that her constitutional rights would be protected; the occupation of politicians who have lived upon the agitation of the subject would be gone and the country at peace.

J. A. Broadhead.


The Fremont Weekly Journal (Fremont, Ohio), October 19, 1860