Obituary of Gabriel L. Buckner
October 22, 1896

In this obituary, The Courier-Journal celebrated Gabriel Lewis Buckner as one of Louisville's "leading and best citizens."

Capt. Buckner Dead

An Honorable Citizen Expires of Bright’s Disease

Was One of the Best-Known Louisville Men.

Funeral This Afternoon

Capt. Lewis Buckner died yesterday morning at 5 o’clock at the residence of his brother-in-law, Capt. Thomas Speed, 1521 Fourth avenue, after a lingering illness of Bright’s disease. Capt. Buckner had been a sufferer for almost a year, and had been confined to his room much of that time. About three weeks ago he improved and was able to get out for several days. His improvement, however, was of short duration, and his condition grew gradually worse until the end came yesterday. Capt. Buckner was born in Hopkinsville July 17, 1838. His parents were residents of Hopkinsville, to which place his father, Col. James F. Buckner, who was born in Virginia, removed when very young. Capt. Buckner was educated at the University of Virginia. He was living at Hopkinsville at the commencement of the war, and following the example of his father and other prominent men of that place, he entered the service as Lieutenant in the Eighth Kentucky Cavalry, the Colonel of which was James M. Shackelford, and the Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin H. Bristow. Later he became Captain in the Fifty-second Kentucky Mounted Infantry. Among the incidents of his service was participation in the celebrated pursuit of Morgan, 1863, having started with the pursuing forces at Cumberland river. He continued with them until the surrender. At a battle near Richmond, Ky., he was taken prisoner, but after being held a short time made his escape. His service was entirely in the field, being continuously in active duty until the close of the war. He was held in high esteem by the men he commanded and by the officers under whom he served.

Shortly after the war his father, Col. James F. Buckner, was appointed Collector of Internal Revenue at Louisville by President Grant, and Capt. Buckner, who had prepared himself for the practice of law, being a graduate of the Louisville Law School, took the place of chief deputy in his father’s office. He so continued for twelve years, and a year later he was himself appointed Collector. The experience he had acquired in this office enabled him to conduct it with perfect acceptability to the Government and to all who had business with the office.

In 1887 Capt. Buckner engaged in the business of real estate agent in partnership with Theodore F. Cummins, and this arrangement continued until his death. His established reputation for integrity brought him the business of a wide circle of appreciative friends.

Having lived in Louisville continuously from 1865, he had become well known as one of the leading and best citizens. His social qualities were marked, being courteous and kindly in his nature, and possessing accomplishments which made him attractive and agreeable.

He was married October 10, 1888, to Miss Jennette Davis, daughter of Mr. George Davis, well known as the venerable President of the Fourth National Bank. They had no children.

Capt. Buckner was a Republican, and twice was sent as delegate to national conventions. He was President of the old Prentice Club, which was the immediate predecessor of the present Pendennnis Club. At the time of his death he was President of the Society of the Sons of the Revolution. He was also a member of the Military Society of the Loyal Legion.

Capt. Buckner leaves his devoted wife, his venerable mother, his brother, James F. Buckner, and sister, Mrs. Thomas Speed. The funeral will take place at 2:30 o’clock this afternoon from the residence of Capt. Speed. The interment will be in Cave Hill.

The following will be pall-bearers: Messrs. Lytle Buchanan, C. F. Cummins, Will Lee, Phil Bate, Charles T. Ballard, Capt. Tom Taylor, Alex. P. Humphrey and Logan C. Murray.


The Courier-Journal (Louisville, Kentucky), October 22, 1896