In 1839, The Baltimore Sun praised James M. Deems's "rare musical talents" and "laudable ambition."
Foster Native Talent. An opportunity is afforded this evening for the citizens to give a substantial proof of their appreciation of native genius. Mr. James M. Deems gives a concert tonight, previous to his going to Europe upon a professional tour. This young gentleman, we need not inform the public, is possessed of rare musical talents, and his laudable ambition for the cultivation of them has induced him to adopt the recommendation of his friends to study in the best European schools. We understand that the corps of Independent Blues, of whose band he is a valued member, has voted him a gold medal as a testimonial of their personal esteem and admiration of his professional abilities. Tonight the public generally will show their regard for him by a bumper at the Assembly Rooms.
The Baltimore Sun, May 23, 1839