Samuel F. Few Plans a Pro-Slavery Newspaper
November 24, 1854

In 1854, Samuel F. Few published this prospectus for a proslavery newspaper, The Leavenworth Messenger.

Prospectus of the Leavenworth Messenger

The undersigned will issue, on or about the 1st of December, 1854, at Leavenworth, K.T.; THE LEAVENWORTH MESSENGER, a weekly Journal devoted to a liberal public policy, Agriculture, Manufactures, Mechanics Arts, Commerce, Education, and the Pro-slavery interest in Kansas Territory.

In the commencement of our undertaking as public Journalists, we are not unmindful of the many responsibilities we are assuming, and every exertion will be made on our part to acquit ourselves to the satisfaction of our patrons, and to make our Paper one of the leading Journals of the South-west.

In us, the Farmer and Mechanic will find ardent supporters of their best interests, and the working-man of every avocation and pursuit, may rely on our willing and cheerful advocacy and aid; the Pioneer and Squatter upon unoccupied Public Lands, may look to us as to long-tried friends, for we are of them, and shall watch with a jealous eye over all their dearly bought rights and hard-earned privileges.

With Politics we do not expect to meddle; but the public have a right to know our antecedents, as well as to learn our present position. We have been old-line National Whigs of the Clay and Webster school, and we have yet to learn that these great Oracles of the Whig party were mistaken in their policy, or advocated any but wise and liberal principles; but as questions are to be acted upon of more immediate and vital importance to us and to the country than adherence to abstract Whig or Democratic doctrines, we cheerfully forego our former predilections for party, and define our position as follows:

The present Administration has won upon our confidence by many of its leading measures, and we shall yield it our cheerful and humble support in such a policy as shall conduce to the general good. We fully endorse and will vindicate the principle of the Nebraska-Kansas Bill; the full and final abrogation of the Missouri Compromise, and the wise provisions of the Fugitive Slave Law. Upon the all-absorbing question if [sic] Slavery, we may state without reserve, that we believe that the true interest of our Territory will be subserved by incorporating it with our Institutions. For this end, we shall fearlessly and thoroughly discuss the subject and while we have no affinities with the Freesoiler, and heartily detest the Abolitionist, we still hope to conduct the controversy in the spirit of kindness and liberality. We thus nail our colors at the mast head, and we shall dodge no issues which may be pertinent to the main question. We are of those who cannot be lulled into a false security by the ‘masterly inactivity’ and fair representations of our wily opponents. We are confident that the question is to be sprung upon us by our Freesoil friends, whenever the neutral flag can be dispensed with, and we are ready for the issue. As National men, we shall labor for the good of the whole country, for the Union, and the Union in its integrity; be we are free to admit, that upon this question, our sympathies and convictions are with the South and West, and that while we are engaged in the advancement of their interests, we are engaged in “a labor of love.” We expect to make our Paper a medium of much valuable general intelligence to the public. We have an established Correspondence in Oregon, California, Utah and New Mexico, and will give the earliest reliable news from all intermediate points. We will also have regular Correspondents in all the principal Cities of the Union, and a special Correspondent at the seat of the General Government. With this abstract of our principles and purposes, we submit our undertaking to the patronage of a generous public, trusting that we may merit their liberal support.

TERMS—Two Dollars per annum in advance.

Communications shall be addressed to the Editors and proprietors, Leavenworth, Kansas Territory, postpaid.

Jeremiah Clark.

Samuel F. Few

Nov. 10, 1854


Weekly Leavenworth Herald, November 24, 1854