Louis L. Conrad Protests the Kansas-Nebraska Act
March 19, 1854

In March 1854, Louis L. Conrad and other Pittsburgh ministers protested against the Kansas-Nebraska Act "in the name of God and Religion, in the name of Humanity and Liberty."

Remonstrance of the Clergy of Pittsburgh
Against the Nebraska Bill

To the House of Representatives of the United States:

            The undersigned, Ministers of the Gospel, residing in the cities of Pittsburgh, Allegheny and vicinity, in the State of Pennsylvania, in the name of God and Religion, in the name of Humanity and Liberty, for the honor of our country and its influence over the world, do respectfully and earnestly protest and remonstrate against the passage of the bill for the organization of new Territories, now before Congress, commonly known as the ‘Nebraska Bill.’

Pittsburgh, March 19, 1854

[Signed by Louis L. Conrad]


The Liberator, 14 April 1854.