Known Name(s)
Alsop's Restaurant
Northwest & Calvert Streets Annapolis, Maryland (Primary) (1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964)67 Northwest Street Annapolis, MD (Secondary)
Establishment Type(s)
Physical Status
Based on a view of the April 1930 Annapolis City Sanborn Insurance Company Map, 67 Northwest Street was a 3-story row structure adjoined by a frame wall from 65 Northwest St. The building stood facing south on an alley that led to Calvert Street. The building appears to have been demolished (c) 1968-1970.
Detailed History
Alsop's Restaurant was owned by F. (Frederick) Mason Alsop who lived on Clay Street with his wife Martha, a teacher at Stanton Elementary School according to the 1956 Annapolis City Directory. Alsop's appears as a restaurant listing in the Annapolis City Directory as early as 1949 The building at 67 Northwest Street actually faced Calvert Street. In 1968, it was condemned in order to expand the Anne Arundel County government presence in downtown Annapolis. Currently the site of the Maryland Community Health Resources Commission, a state agency.