Blue Spruce Motel

Photo of the Blue Spruce Inn taken by Steven Knoll, member of the Knoll Family who owns the establishment.

Clipping from the Chatham New York Courier published in 1961 highlighting the purchase of the Blue Spruce Motel by Albert and Carol Knoll from ther Vercoe's.

Newspaper clipping taken from the Essex County Republican on 08.21.59 about Mr. and Mrs. Vercoe purchasing the Blue Spruce Motel, later Inn.
Known Name(s)
Blue Spruce Inn and Suites
Rt. 9, 16 mi. So. of Albany Valatie, NY (Primary) (1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1966)(3093 US 9 Valatie, NY 12184) (Secondary)
Establishment Type(s)
Physical Status
This establishment is a 29-room, two-story, owner-operated motel with a pool. The building has a two-story stuccoed facade with a brick veneer around the first third of the first story. There is a parking area in front of establishment. Rooms are entered directly from the parking lot. A railing demarcates the edge of the covered walkway in front of the rooms on the first and second story. |
Detailed History
The first year the Blue Spruce Motel was listed in the Green Book (1959) it had been purchased by John and Eleanor Vercoe and contained 12 units and a six-room home on the property. The couple operated the hotel until 1961 when Albert and Carol Knoll bought the establishment. The Blue Spruce Motel has been operated by the Knoll family since. In its sixty years in the Knoll family's ownership, the Blue Spruce Motel has changed its name to the Blue Spruce Inn and Suites, and the family has added an additional 17 units to the property. Unfortunately, the Knoll Family's time owning the Blue Spruce is coming to an end (2023) as the family has chosen to sell the property within the next year or so. |