
Sanborn map of William Street around Michigan and Union Avenue, Sanborn Map Buffalo, NY 1925- Feb. 1951, vol.2 1926-Apr. 1950 sheet 157.
Known Name(s)
171 William St. Buffalo, NY
Establishment Type(s)
Barber Shop
Physical Status
Elite was located in a two-story building with a composition roof. The height from the ground to the roof level was 21 feet. The number changed from 71 to 171 prior to the publication of the 1951 Sanborn map update. In addition to the main block, there was a porch on the east side and an addition to the rear, both having composite roofs and being one story in height. A garage was located to the rear of the lot. Elite was located on William Street between Michigan Avenue and Union.
Detailed History
While not much is known about this business, several black businesses in the Green Book existed on the same street. The area continued to be a predominantly African American neighborhood well into the late 1950s, with many other African American community institutions being listed in the area. A large Polish population was located further down William Street and maintained businesses in the 100 block of William Street as well.