Frank Long Tourist Home

Known Name(s)

Frank Long Tourist Home


Jonathan Street Hagerstown, Maryland

Establishment Type(s)

Tourist Home

Physical Status



Map 8 for the 1951 Sanborn Insurance Map reprint indicates that Long's Cafe was on the ground floor but the second floor of the three story building was labeled a hotel. The building was part of a nineteenth century block of rowhouses on the east side of Jonathan Street, which was the main street of the African American neighborhood in Hagerstown.

Detailed History

Frank (V. or Vernon) Long (1896-1951) advertised his apartment over a cafe as a tourist home in the Green Book editions from 1938 through 1941. The 1930 Census lists him as renting a building on North Jonathan Street and running a lodging house with several boarders. Polk's 1937-1938 Hagerstown (Washington County, MD) City Directory indicates that the Long also ran the cafe. By 1940, Long had also taken a job as the operator of an athletic club. He did not advertise when the Green Book resumed publication in 1947 and died in 1951.

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