
Known Name(s)



415 South Stokes Street Havre de Grace, Maryland

Establishment Type(s)


Physical Status



The 1962 update of the 1932 Havre de Grace Sanborn Map shows that the Johnson Hotel was a two-story dwelling with two one-story additions on the east elevation. The eastern most addition had a second addition to the north and in the rear of the property were four additional one-story dwellings. The property extended to the street to the east. On December 28, 1944, an advertisement for the Johnson Hotel appeared in the Richmond Afro-American newspaper with a photo of the hotel. The building at that time was clad in brick, and had at least 5 bays with a one-story portico at the front door. The two windows to the north and south of the center door were picture windows with a single pane of glass and three transom lights above. In the second and third stories, the windows were 6-over-6 double hung windows.

Detailed History

Augustus Hillen Johnson (1890-1969) and his wife Mary L. purchased the house at 413 South Stokes Street by 1940. They advertised it as a hotel in the Richmond Afro-American newspaper in December 1944, and it was listed in the Green Book from 1948 to 1966/1967. In addition to providing accommodations for travelers, the Johnsons also offered access to fishing and hunting, likely with Mr. Johnson serving as a guide. The 1950 US Census shows that the building also housed other middle class African American residents in eight apartments in the main building or in cottages on the property. These residents were members of the U.S. Army working at the Aberdeen Proving Grounds, the nearby veterans' hospital, local industries and as domestic servants. Hotel photo and historic information taken from and

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