Paramount (hotel)

Known Name(s)

Paramount (hotel)


W. Main St. Charlottesville, VA

Establishment Type(s)


Physical Status



According to the Charlottesville City Directories, the Paramount Hotel, listed as the Paramount Inn, was located at 278 West Main Street. This address no longer exists but the latitude and longitude for the site are in the general area. 

The 1920 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map indicates that 278 West Main is a two-story frame dwelling with a slate or tin roof. The property includes three frame outbuildings, one of which is described as dilapidated. The city fire station abuts the east property line. Later Sanborn maps are not available; it is possible that the building changed between 1920 and 1954, when it was listed. 

Detailed History

Charlottesville City Directories list this as the Paramount Inn, which also includes a restaurant. Jas. C.B. Rivers, "c," which means "colored," is the proprietor. The 1950 census lists Esther Rivers as the head of household at 278 W. Main. She is 49, married, and works as a lodging keeper in a lodging house. Her husband does not appear to live in the household when the census was taken. There are ten lodgers in her household, all of whom are Black.

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