Radisson Hotel

Former site of Radisson Hotel in 2022

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Known Name(s)

Radisson Hotel


45 7th Street South Minneapolis, MN

Establishment Type(s)


Physical Status


Detailed History

According to the Carlson Companies' history of the hotel, "The grand downtown Minneapolis Radisson Hotel closed in late 1981. The structure was razed in early 1982. Demand for more convention space, larger guest rooms, and more expansive parking facilities played a major role in the Radisson Hotel Corporation's decision to erect a new hotel on the site. Thus a new, 357-room Radisson Hotel opened in 1987 as a hotel and office complex known collectively as Plaza VII at the same central location on Seventh Street."

Learn more at https://www.hotel-online.com/News/SpecialReleases1998/HistoryRadissonHotel_Jan1998.html.

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