
In the mid-twentieth century, African American travelers required the same types of services as their white counterparts. The Green Book’s listings were varied enough to enable young people coming to a strange city to arrive at the local YMCAs and YWCAs after finding a friendly taxi cab driver at the train station while also helping families find their way to a tourist home or musicians to a suitable hotel.

For African Americans traveling between the relative freedom of a hometown to less familiar places, the listings for gas stations, motels, and pharmacies ensured safe passage in distant towns. For guests traveling to large cities for social events, the publication helped travelers find dance halls and restaurants in a timely manner. As time passed, The Green Book grew to include a very wide range of establishment types that answered every possible traveling need.


Cuba's Night Club

Springwood Ave. Asbury Park, NJ

Culpepper's Chicken Shack

204 Hernando St. Memphis, TN

Culpepper's Drive-In

1664 Kansas St. Memphis, TN


101 West 145th St. Harlem, NY

Curt Cundiff Drug Store

5th & Queendaro (Quindaro) Kansas City, MO

Cut-Rate Cleaners

274 Bloomfield Ave. Montclair, NJ

C. Williams Tourist Home

1507 Wyoming St. El Paso, TX

C. W. Moore Tourist Home

5th & Lincoln Avenue El Dorado, AR


359 Beach St. West Haven, CT

Daddy Lew's Tavern

Bay and Baltic Ave. Atlantic City, NJ

Dairy Isle

263 Jefferson Buffalo, NY

Dallas Hotel

209 E. 9th St/230 1/2 E. 9th St. Chattanooga, TN

Daly Bros.

484 St. Nicholas Ave. Harlem, NY
485 St. Nicholas Ave. Harlem, NY


1101/1301 W. 12th St. Chattanooga, TN

Daniel Burrows

760 St. Nicholas Ave. Harlem, NY

Daniel Hotel

413 S. Oregon St. El Paso, TX


57 Winyah Ave. New Rochelle, NY
57 Lincoln Ave. New Rochelle, NY


2461 7th Ave Harlem, NY


1107 Prospect Ave. Bronx, NY

Daniel's Tavern

North Adams Street Camden, AR
