
Stanton School teachers circa 1925. In Maryland's counties, teachers were the largest group of middle class professionals because most were college trained.

Looking northeast at Gott's garage driveway (at mural) and US Post Office at West and Calvert Streets.
Known Name(s)
Wright's Hotel
26 Calvert Street Annapolis, MD
Establishment Type(s)
Physical Status
Now part of garage and county buildings. 1930 Annapolis Sanborn Map shows a 3 story building joined in a row on Calvert Street. See April 1930 Annapolis Sanborn Map Sheet 11. By the 1959 version, the building had been demolished for a parking lot. Displayed map is the 1921 Sanborn Map showing the barber shop and salon/lobby used as the Stanton School's Assembly Room.
Detailed History
Wright's Hotel on the east side of Calvert Street was run by Stanley L. Wright, who lived in the building with his wife, Margaret B. Wright and several others who appear to be boarders in the house. (Source 1940 US Census). 1930 Annapolis Sanborn Map has building labeled as "school room," and the Stanton HIgh School used the lobby of the hotel for assemblies or other large gatherings including the school's choral group practices until the new Stanton High School was opened in 1932. Photo of Stanton School Teachers Association Calvert Street in the 1920s courtesy of the Maryland State Archives.