Ulysses S. Grant Assists Henry T. Dixon's Family
August 4, 1866

In this letter, General Ulysses S. Grant asks Postmaster General Alexander W. Randall to find "suitable employment" for Annie Dixon, whose husband Henry T. Dixon had been "murdered by a Virginia ex-rebel officer."

Washington, D.C.

August 4th 1866

Hon. A. W. Randall,

PostMaster General,

Dear Sir:

Permit me to recommend as a most worthy lady for employment in the P. O. Department Mrs. Dixon of Va. now a resident of this city. Mrs. Dixon is the widow of a loyal Virginian who was driven out of the state at the beginning of the rebellion, on account of his loyalty. He took service in the Union Army, as paymaster, and continued in it until the close of hostilities. Last year he was murdered by a Virginia ex-rebel officer leaving a widow and eight children who found their home so unpleasant for them, even dangerous, that I sent Government teams to move them to this city. They are dependent for a support upon what they can earn. I regard this as a very deserving case and shall feel glad if suitable employment can be given to Mrs. Dixon.

Very respectfully

your obt. svt.

U. S. Grant




Ulysses S. Grant to Alexander W. Randall, August 4, 1866, Ulysses S. Grant Papers, Library of Congress