William B. Rogers to Henry D. Rogers, April 28, 1862
April 28, 1862

In this letter to his brother, William B. Rogers celebrates the Union army's prospects as they appeared in April 1862.

To H.D.R.

April 28, 1862

              In spite of the war we have a prospective fund of 1000,000 dollars- and before another month elapses I think we shall have from a different source a large amount to be devoted to the building of the museum.

              As our friends are not at once available we have obtained from the Legislature an extension of the time to which we were limited for raising guaranted amount of 100,000 dollars. The petition was acceded to without opposition.

              But I must turn now to other thoughts. The rebellion you will see is daily losing strength. Our armies and vessels are moving steadily forward. Our great hosts at Yorktown and at Corinth will doubtless meet with desperate resistance, but we do not doubt that the rebels will be compelled to abandon both positions. Banks and McDowell and Burnside, approaching in the rear, and on the flanks of the enemy, and McClellan in front, it is not improbable that the chief army of the rebels will be compelled at least to surrender. Still, even after these successes I shall not be surprised to find the insurgents desperately holding out in some of the southern states.



William Barton Rogers Papers, Department of Distinctive Collections, Massachusetts Institute of Technology