Establishments by Tennessee Cities
- Brown Derby(10995)
- Cap's(10988)
- Chandler's Drug Co.(10976)
- Chief(10996)
- Cloud Rolling(10997)
- Cotton's Esso Service Station(11008)
- Dallas Hotel(10980)
- Dandy's(11012)
- Harris Hotel(10981)
- Imperial Drive-In(10998)
- J. Carter(11016)
- Jackson's(11009)
- Kat's Korner Restaurant(10999)
- La Grand Eat Shop(11000)
- La Vogue Beauty Lounge(10972)
- Lincoln Hotel(10982)
- M-Y-B Package Store(10989)
- Manhattan(11001)
- Mann Bros.(11010)
- Martin Hotel(10983)
- Martin's Esso Center(11011)
- May's(10973)
- Melody(10975)
- Memo(11002)
- Millender's Pharmacy(10994)
- Mme. C.J. Walkers College of Beauty Culture(10974)
- Moore & King(10977)
- Mrs. A. Jackson(11017)
- Mrs. Annie Ruth Conley(11014)
- Mrs. D. Lowe(11018)
- Mrs. Etta Brown(11019)
- Mrs. J. Baker(11020)
- Mrs. Rosie Gamble(11013)
- Pats(10990)
- Peoples Hotel(10984)
- Quinn's Hotel(10985)
- Reuben's Place(11003)
- Robert's(11004)
- Rowland(10978)
- Ruby's Drive-In(11005)
- Simms(11015)
- Tatt's(10991)
- The Rosetta Motels, Inc.(10986)
- Thomas Chicken Shack(11006)
- Umbrella Drive In(11007)
- Volunteer Garage(10979)
- Walter Johnson(10992)
- Wat's(10993)
- Wright's(10971)
- YMCA(10987)
- YWCA(11021)
- Anderson's Tourist Home(11059)
- Brownlow Hotel(11047)
- College Cafe(11053)
- Delta Hotel & Dinner Lounge(11048)
- Graves Drug Store(11046)
- Hartford Hotel(11049)
- La Curtis Motor Court(11050)
- Miller's Modern Motel and Resort(11051)
- N. Smith(11060)
- Pitchfork Drive-In & Restaurant(11054)
- Plazel Gander(11043)
- Rollins(11061)
- Ron-Doo-Voo(11055)
- Rosebud Tavern and Restaurant(11056)
- Streamline Snack Bar(11057)
- The Pink House(11044)
- Tommy's Service Station(11058)
- Toussaint L'Ouverture Post No. 80, American Legion(11045)
- Walker's(11062)
- YMCA, Cansler Branch(11063)
- YWCA(11052)
- YWCA(11064)
- Abe Scharff Branch YMCA(11078)
- Annie's Cafe(11090)
- Bessie's Chicken Shack(11091)
- Bob's(11092)
- Burchitts Beauty School(11069)
- Cain Bros. Gulf Service & Garage(11113)
- Carnes Ave. Gulf Service Station & Garage(11114)
- Chile's(11067)
- Clarke Hotel(11079)
- Conway's Service Station(11115)
- Cora's Grill(11093)
- Culpepper's Chicken Shack(11095)
- Culpepper's Drive-In(11094)
- Davidson's(11096)
- Elrod & Sons' Amoco Service Station & Garage(11116)
- Four Way Grill(11097)
- Georgia's Cafe(11098)
- Grady's Night Club(11088)
- Handy House(11099)
- Hotel Queen Ann(11080)
- J.A. Ewing Service Station(11117)
- Jefferson Service Station & Sundry(11118)
- Jiffy Sundry(11074)
- Jim's Rib Shack(11100)
- Johnson(11071)
- Lorraine Motel & Hotel(11081)
- Marquette Hotel(11082)
- Mitchells Hotel(11083)
- Moonlight(11101)
- Mrs. E.M. Wright(11128)
- Mrs. Young's Tourist Home(11129)
- Naomi's(11068)
- Nu-Way Service Station & Garage(11119)
- Nudye Beauty Shop(11070)
- Pantaze Drugstore(11075)
- Parks(11126)
- Plaza Hotel(11084)
- Presley Gulf Station(11120)
- Presley Gulf Station(11121)
- Ragland Washerette(11130)
- Ragland's Mobilgas Service Station(11122)
- Rosary Hotel(11085)
- Rosary(11102)
- Scott's(11103)
- So. Memphis(11076)
- Sue's Bakery & Snack Bar(11104)
- Superior(11072)
- The Ann's Grill(11105)
- The Cosmos Cafe(11106)
- The Friendly Three Cafe(11107)
- The Handy Kitchen(11108)
- The Jackson Cafe(11109)
- The Park Avenue Sandwich Shope & Drive-In(11110)
- The Steak Shop(11112)
- Tony's Place(11086)
- Travelers Hotel(11087)
- United Taxi(11127)
- Walker's Shell Service Station & Garage(11123)
- Ware's Super Market(11077)
- Ware's Texaco Station(11124)
- Washburn Mobilgas Service Station(11125)
- Wells Sundry & Cafe(11111)
- White Star Cleaners(11073)
- Zanzibar(11089)
- "Colored YMCA"/YMCA(11156)
- "Y"(11136)
- Ann's Tea Room(11159)
- Bijou Theater(11189)
- Black Hawk Restaurant(11160)
- Blue Triangle YWCA(11157)
- Bowman's(11140)
- Brown's Dinner Club and Hotel(11143)
- Bryant House Hotel(11144)
- Carver Courts Motel(11147)
- Carver Hotel(11145)
- College 5 cent & 10 cent Store(11183)
- Comet(11184)
- Cozy Corner Restaurant & Tavern(11161)
- Crystal Bar(11162)
- Delmar Hotel(11148)
- Dew Drop Inn(11163)
- Driver's Motel(11149)
- Driver's Shell Service Station & Restaurant(11179)
- Ebony Hut(11164)
- Eldorado Motel(11151)
- Estelle's(11137)
- Family Service Grocery(11142)
- Fred Douglas Hotel(11152)
- George's Drive- In(11165)
- Grace Hotel(11146)
- Hotel at Eighth and Lea Avenues(11150)
- Jet Restaurant(11167)
- Knotty Pine Drive-In & Tavern(11168)
- Lord N' Lady(11141)
- Martha's(11169)
- Mrs. C. James(11185)
- Mrs. E. Wood(11186)
- Mrs. Faulkner(11187)
- Mrs. Moore(11188)
- Myrtles(11138)
- Parkway Hotel(11154)
- Peacock Grill(11166)
- Peacock Inn(11170)
- Price's Dinner Club & Tavern(11171)
- Queen of Sheba(11139)
- R & R Liquor Store(11158)
- Red Ace Service Station(11180)
- Ritz Hotel(11153)
- Sharkey's Old Fashion Bar-B-Que & Curb Market(11172)
- Sid's Lion Service Station(11181)
- Smith's Drive-In(11173)
- Swett's Dinnette & Drive-In(11174)
- The Mecca House(11175)
- The Tasty Grill(11178)
- Washington Hotel(11155)
- White's Lunch Room(11176)
- Whitmore's "66" Service Station(11182)
- Wilkin's Dairy Queen Drive-In(11177)