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Establishments in this Green Book Issue
4 Leaf Clover Restaurant
5th Ave. & 212 Motel
921 Hotel
A.B.C. Motel
Abernathy's Adams Hotel
Abe Scharff Branch YMCA
Abner Virginia Motel
Ada's Cottage
Adkins West End Texaco Service Station
A. E. Gabriel
Ajapa Hotel
Alberta's Hotel & Snack Bar
Alcorn Hotel
Alexander's tourist home
Allen House Hotel
Alonzo Ward Hotel
Alpine House
Al's Restaurant
Amigo Motel & Cafe
Anchor Motel
Anderson's Service Station
Anderson's Tourist Home
Anderson's Tourist Home
Annabelle's Restaurant
Annie's Cafe
Apache Lodge
Arctic Ave. Hotel
Arkansas Loan Company
Armstrong's Motel
Astoria Court Motel
Atlas Hotel
Atmosphere In & Witcher's Service Station
Attucks Hotel
Aunt Brenda's Pit Barbecue
Aunt Edith's
Austin House Hotel
Avalon Restaurant
Bailey's Acres
Bailey's Cottage Tourist Home
Baker house hotel
Baldwin Cottage
Baldwin's Pharmacy
Bangor House Motor Hotel
Barbour's Tourist Home
B. Ashford Tourist Home
Beaumont Barbeque
Belfred Court
Belle Meade Hotel
Bidwell's Motel
Black Range Court
Black River Village
Blue Jay Motel
Blue Spruce Motel
Blue Spruce Motel
Blue Star
Blue Tiger Restaurant
Blue Triangle YWCA
Boarding House
Bogel Hotel
Bond Hotel
Bonner's Guest House
Bonvivani Supper Club
Booker T. Hotel
Booker T. Motel
Booker T. Motel
Booker T Motor Court
Booker T. Washington Hotel
Boulder Dam Hotel
Boulevard Hotel
Boulevard Restaurant
Bowman's Show Place
Bridges Hotel
Brook's Bluff Cottage
Brown Rigg Hotel
Brown's Hotel
Brown's New Cafe; Mrs. M. Brown, prop
Bryce Canyon Inn
Bryce Canyon Lodge
Brydson's Hotel
Burnell's Service Station
Burton's Hotel
Busy Bee Cottage
Cactus Motel
Cadd Hotel
Cadillac Hotel
Cain Bros. Gulf Service & Garage
Camp Lewis Mountain tourist home
Capitol Court
Capitol Hill Motel
Carlton Hotel
Carnes Ave. Gulf Service Station & Garage
Carrington Motel
Carr's Beach
Carver Courts Motel
Carver Hall Hotel
Carver Hotel
Carver Inn
Carver's Restaurant
Cascade Court
Casino Restaurant
Cassius Restaurant
Castle Hotel
Castle Inn
Cats Bar B-Q Restaurant
Cat's Motel & Cafe
C & D Hotel
Cedar Crest Lodge Motel
Chandler's Drug Co.
Charmaine Hotel
Chat & Chew Restaurant
Chauffeur's Rest tourist home
China-Pagoda Restaurant
Christian Assn. Bldg.
Chung King
Citizen's Pharmacy
City Center Lodge
Clack Court Motel
Clover Motel
Club Barbeque
Club Zanzibar
Coastway Motel
Colbrook Inn
Coleman Hotel
Coleman's Restaurant
Cole's Tourist Home
College 5 cent & 10 cent Store
College Cafe
College Restaurant
College View Motel
Collins' Service Station
Colonial Lodge Motel
"Colored YMCA"/YMCA
Colvin's Tourist home; Mrs. Mary B. Colvin, prop.
Comfort Hotel
Conway's Service Station
Cooper Hotel
Cora's Grill
Cosmos Inn/Hotel
Cotton's Esso Service Station
Cove Motel
Covered Wagon
Covey's Motel
Cozy Corner Restaurant & Tavern
Crater Cottages
Crater Lake Lodge
Crescent Restaurant
Crittenden Hotel
Crosstown Hotel
Crotona Hotel
Crystal Bar
Crystal Hotel
Culpepper's Chicken Shack
Culpepper's Drive-In
C. Williams Tourist Home
C. W. Moore Tourist Home
Dallas Hotel
Daniel Hotel
Darling Courts Motel
David Davis Liquor Store and Cedar Street Service Station
Davis Restaurant
Dawn Lodge
Dean's Restaurant
Dean's Tourist Home
De Griff Hotel
Del Rio
Delta Hotel & Dinner Lounge
De Lux Court Tourist Home
Deluxe Diner
De Luxe Hotel
De Luxe Motor Court
De Luxe Restaurant
Depot Square Hotel
Dew Drop
Dew Drop Inn Cafe, Service Station, and Dance Hall
Dewey Square
Dillard's Enterprises
Dillion's Hotel & Grill
Doswell Inn
Dr. Dunning Tourist Home
Driver's Shell Service Station & Restaurant
Dumas hotel
Durant Bayside Cottages and Snack Shoppe
Dutch Motel
DX Public Service Station & Garage
Earl's Motel
Eastman Road Liquor Store & Eastman Road Motel
E. B. Jeffrey Tourist Home
Ebony Hut
Ebony Motel
Edmondson's Tourist Home
Edna Mae's Hotel
Eldorado Motel
Elfra Court Motel
Elkin Bar
El Rancho Provo
El Rancho Provo
El Ray Court
Elrod & Sons' Amoco Service Station & Garage
Elton Hotel
Eulinberg's Place
Eureka Hotel
Evan's Tourist Home
Excelsior Springs Hotel
Family Service Grocery
Fernandez Guest House
Fleming Auto Service
Floyd Hotel
Forest View Motel
Foster House
Foster's Motel
Four Star
Four Way Grill
Fox Hotel
Franklin Hotel
Franklin Service Station
Fred's Motel
Freeman's Tourist Court
Fuller's 3-N-1
Fuller's Motel
Gambardella's Oyster House
Garden Spot Tourist Home
Gattling's Restaurant
G. C. Mackey Tourist Home
G. E. Depuy
General Custer Motel
George's Drive- In
Georgia's Cafe
Gerald's Restaurant
G & H
Gibson Hotel
Glacier Park Hotel
Gladstone Cottage
Glady's Eat Shop
Golden's Restaurant
Gordon's Rib Station
Gordon's Tourist Home
Grady's Night Club
Grand Canyon
Grand Central
Grand Hotel
Grand Pacific Hotel Motor Court
Grants Cafe
Graves Drug Store
Gray's Hotel
Graysonia Hotel
Green Acres Motel Tourist Home
Green Door
Green Hotel
Green Leaf Restaurant
Green Leaf Restaurant
Green Pastures
Green's Lakeview Farm
Green's Tourist Home
Gus Allen Hotel
Hamilton's Restaurant
Hampton Inn
Ham's Court
Handy House
Happyland Lake Home
Harlem Hotel (same address as Astoria)
Harlem Nite Club
Harlem Restaurant
Harmon Hotel Hagerstown
Harris' Grill; Thomas Harris, prop.
Harris hotel
Harris Hotel
Hartford Hotel
Hart's Motel
Hawthorne Guest House
Hayes Cottage
Hemby's CafГ©
Herman Stelcks
Hightower's Motel
Hill's Hotel
Hill's Restaurant
Hill Top Restaurant and Cabins
Hines Tourist Home/Dinah's Tourist Home and Restaurant
Holiday Village Motel
Home of Hawkins
Home Rooms for Rent
Home Sweet Home motel
Honeycutt Hotel
Honor Reed Hotel
Honor Reed Hotel
Horac Crecy's Tourist Home
Horman Restaurant and Harman Cafe
Horton's Hotel
Horton's Restaurant
Hotel Alfreda
Hotel Barnum
Hotel Carter
Hotel Carver
Hotel De Laine Hotel
Hotel Fane
Hotel Florence
Hotel Garde
Hotel Hayes
Hotel Jackson
Hotel Jim
Hotel Lowry
Hotel McCracken
Hotel Queen Ann
Hotel Richard
Hotel Royal
Hotel Ryan
Hotel Sam Sneed (same address as New Hotel J.H.)
Hotel St. Paul
Hotel Theresa
Hotel Winona
Howard Hotel
Howlett's Bar-Be-Que
Humdinger's Drive-Inn
Ideal Beauty Shop
Imperial Drive-In
Indian Trail Motel
Indian Trail Motel
Inman Hotel
Ivy Hotel
J.A. Ewing Service Station
Jamaica Motel
J. and J. Restaurant
Jean's French Restaurant
Jefferson Service Station & Sundry
Jet Restaurant
Jewell Apartments & Rooms
Jiffy Sundry
Jimmy's Cafe
Jim's Restaurant
Jim's Rib Shack
Joe Randolph's
Johnson's Eat Shop
Johnson's Hotel
Johnson's restaurant
Johnson's Restaurant
Jones Apartments
Jones Hotel & Cafe
Jones' Rooms
J. Randol Tourist Home
Kat's Korner Restaurant
Kays Motel
King Sandwich
Kirk CourtsTX160
Kline's Rest Home
Knotty Pine Drive-In & Tavern
Kruse Court Motel
La Casa Motel
La Curtis Motor Court
La Grand Eat Shop
La Joya Hotel
Lake Meade Lodge
La Luz Motel
La Mesa
LaPetite Cottage
La Rue
Laster Cottage
La Vogue Beauty Lounge
Le Chalet Motel
Lee's Village Inn
Leflore Mote & Cafe
Le Grand-Parker Hotel
Lenora Hotel
Lewis Hotel
Lewis-Wilson Hotel
Lexington Restaurant
Liberty Hotel
Liberty Motel
Lillian's Tourist Home
Limberlock Inn
Lincoln Hotel
Lincoln Hotel
Lincoln Hotel
Lincoln Plaza
Lincoln Restaurant
Lincoln Terrace
Lindey's Steak House
Lin-Mar Motel
Little Harlem
Little Palace Cafe and Cabins
Little Roxy
Little Shamrock Motel
Little State Hotel
Locust Restaurant
Log Cabin Cottage
Lola Hotel
London Road Court
Lone Court
Long Bar-B-Q
Lord N' Lady
Lorraine Motel & Hotel
Louis Motel
Louis Motel
Lucille's Food Shop
Lundy's Restaurant
Macon's Inn Tourist Home
Mallory Cabins
Mamie's Restaurant
Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel
Manhattan Cafe
Manhattan Hotel
Manhattan Night Club
Maple Rest/Taylor's Tourist Home; Mrs. Mary L. Taylor
Marigold Motel
Marinda Jones
Marionette Cottage
Mark Haven Beach Hotel
Marquette Hotel
Martin's Esso Center
Mayco Motel
McGuire Hotel
McGuire's Inn
McKenzie (Unique) Motor Court
McPherson's Hotel
McVay Courts Tourist Home
Mead Cottage
Mel's Plaza
M.H. Benford/Benford's Amoco Service Station
Millender's Pharmacy
Miller Hotel
Eggleston (Miller's)
Miller's Modern Motel and Resort
Mim's Cafe
Mingo Motel
Minnehaha Motel
Miss C. Woodridge Tourist Home
Miss W. A. Brown
Mitchells Hotel
Mitchell's Motel & Luncheonette
Mitchell's Rooms
Mme. C.J. Walkers College of Beauty Culture
Modern Wayside Motel
Mohawk Hotel
Monterey Hotel
Moore's Grocery & Cafe
Moore's Hotel
Moore's Tourist Home
Moore's Tourist Home
Morocco Motel
Motel Blu-Stone
Motel Central
Motley's Camp
Mr. & Mrs. T. R. Davis
Mrs. A.D. Henderson
Mrs. A.D. Henderson
Mrs. Allie O. King
Mrs. A. Oliver Tourist Home
Mrs. Benjamin Williams Tourist Home
Mrs. B. Rivers Tourist Home
Mrs. Brown
Mrs. C. Harper
Mrs. C. Jones Tourist Home
Mrs. Clara E. Oliver Tourist Home
Mrs. E.B. Gaylor
Mrs. E. Crawley Tourist Home
Mrs. E. C. Yeager Tourist Home
Mrs. E. Julius Tourist Home
Mrs. E. Latimore Tourist Home
Mrs. Eugene Ellis Tourist Home
Mrs. E. Whittle
Mrs. F. B. Lee Tourist Home
Mrs. F. Jackson Tourist Home
Mrs. F. T. Young
Mrs. Grace Davis Tourist Home
Mrs. Grant Thomas
Mrs. Guy E. Rogers Tourist Home
Mrs. H. Gilmore Tourist Home
Mrs. Homer Mason
Mrs. H. Ullery Tourist Home
Mrs. Ida M. Francis
Mrs. I. Scott Tourist Home
Mrs. I. W. Herald
Mrs. J. Baker
Mrs. J. H. Barabin Tourist Home (Barabin Villa)
Mrs. J. J. Hollis Tourist Home
Mrs. J. Makel
Mrs. J. Moxley
Mrs. John Parker
Mrs. J. PopeTX160
Mrs. J. W. Duncan Tourist Home
Mrs. J. W. Frazier Tourist Home
Mrs. J. W. Rife Tourist Home
Mrs. Kate Stewart
Mrs. Kate Wiley Tourist Home
Mrs. Katie Duncan
Mrs. Latimer Tourist Home
Mrs. L. Hilliard Motel
Mrs. Lizzie Simon Tourist Home
Mrs.Loretta S.Watson Tourist Home
Mrs. L. Winson Tourist Home
Mrs. Margaret Wright Tourist Home
Mrs. Mary Collins
Mrs. Mary L. Wilson
Mrs. M Carroll Restaurant
Mrs. M.C. Brown
Mrs. M. Francis
Mrs. M. Johnson Tourist Home
Mrs. M.K. Page
Mrs. N. Lowe Tourist Home
Mrs. N.P. Washington
Mrs. N. Smith Tourist Home
Mrs. Ralph W. Reynolds
Mrs. R. Collins
Mrs. Rose Cumming's
Mrs. S.A. Overbey
Mrs. Smith
Mrs. Sonnie Lewis
Mrs. Susie Green's Tourist Home
Mrs. S. W. Stull Tourist Home
Mrs. Thomas Tourist Home
Mrs. T. T. Davis Tourist Home
Mrs. T Thomas Tourist Home
Mrs. Vaille (Vallie) Lamb Tourist Home
Mrs. V. Maupin Tourist Home
Mrs. W. Bailey
Mrs. W.E. Barron
Mrs. W. Greenlow Tourist Home
Mrs. W. Harvey Tourist Home
Mrs. W.W. Roberts
Mrs. Yancey
Mrs. Young's Tourist Home
Mtn View Farm RFD 1
M. & T. Restaurant
Murphy's Tourist Home
Murray's Landing
Murry Hotel
M-Y-B Package Store
National Baptist Sanitarium
Nellie Tutt's
New China Club
New China's
New Day Restaurant
New Deal Service. Station
(New) Evans Hotel
New Hotel J. H.
New Nightingale Luncheonette
Newsome's Cottage
Nick's Snack House
Nolan Hotel
Nore Vean's (Nov-Vena) Restaurant
North Cedar Apartments
Northington Tourist Home
Northington Tourist Home
North Palace Gulf Service Station
Northside Grill
Nu-Way Service Station & Garage
Oasis Hotel
Old Faithful Inn
Old Kentuck's/Old Kentucky's Restaurant
Oleander Hotel
Oliver's Restaurant and Texaco Station
Orange Court & Restaurant
Oriental Restaurant
Oven Restaurant
Pacific Hotel
Palm Cafe
Palm Gardens
Palm Lounge Restaurant
Pannell's Inn hotel
Paradise Cafe
Paradise Motel and Restaurant
Park Lane Hotel
Park Plaza Motel
Parkview Hotel
Parkway Motor Court
Pat Carr's Guest House
Peacock Grill
Pearl St. Community House
Pee Kay Hotel
Pendleton Hotel
Peoples Hotel
Perry's Restaurant
Peter Dubil
Peter Lane Hotel
Peter's Motel
Phyllis Wheatley House
Pine Grove Motel
Pine Oak Inn
Pine Oak Inn
Pitchfork Drive-In & Restaurant
Placer Hotel
Plaza Hotel
Plaza Hotel
Plaza Hotel
Pleasant Manor
Pleasant View House
Pond View
Poro Hotel
Porter's Deluxe Cabins
Porter's Tourist Home
Port's Restaurant
Powell Hotel
Presley Gulf Station
Presley Gulf Station
Price's Dinner Club & Tavern
Putt Meadow Motel
Quality Cafe
Ragland's Mobilgas Service Station
Ralph Bass Tourist Home
Randell Hotel
Rappahannock Hotel
Ray's Motel
R. B. Brown Grocery & Esso Station
R. Brown
R. Brown Tourist Home
Red Ace Service Station
Red Door Restaurant
Red Top Motel & Trailer Court
Reevey's Hotel
Reid's Restaurant
Reid's Service Station
Resnick's Motel
Rest-A-While Tourist Home
Reuben's Place
Rev. BaileyTX160
R. Graves Tourist Home
Rhine Cliff Cottage
Richardson Hotel
Rich's Plaza
Rimrock Lodge
Ritz Hotel
Ritz Motel
Robert Graham
Robert's Tourist Home
Robin's Nest Hotel
Robins Nest Hotel
Robinson's Manor
Rocket Court
Rockett Inn
Rosary Hotel
Rosebud Tavern and Restaurant
Rose Inn (tavern)
Ross Hotel
Rotisserie Inn
Rough Riders Motel
Royal Hotel
Royal Hotel
Royal Hotel
Royal Restaurant
R. Pendleton
R & R Liquor Store
Ruby's Drive-In
Russell's Restaurant and Grill
Ruth's restaurant
Sadie's Guest House
Salem Hotel
Samuel's Restaurant
Sara-Lou Cafe
Sardo's Restaurant
Sarrack's Motel
Satchell's Cottage
Savery Inn
Savoy Hotel
Scott Hotel
Scott's Service Station
Sea Stones Cottage
Shadowland Restaurant
Shalimar Restaurant
Sharkey's Old Fashion Bar-B-Que & Curb Market
Shaw Apts
Shrimp Hut
Sid's Lion Service Station
Sid's Ranch
Silver Slipper Restaurant
Skylark Restaurant
Small's Paradise
Small's Paradise
Smith's Drive-In
Smith's Steak House
Smitty's Service Station, Garage & CafГ©
Sonnie's Restaurant
Southern Restaurant
Sparrow's Beach
Spence's Grill
Spot Bar-B-Q
Spotlite Bar
Spot Sandwich Shop
Square Deal Hotel
Staghead Club
Stephens Bowie
St. Francis Sundry Store
Stiles Tourist Home
St. Louis Hotel
St. Louis Service Station
Stop & Rest Motel, Restaurant, Service Station
Streamline Snack Bar
Street's Hotel
Sue King Inn
Sue's Bakery & Snack Bar
Sugar's Restaurant
Summer's Hotel & Court
Sunset Cafe
Swett's Dinnette & Drive-In
Sylvia's Restaurant
Tabard's Restaurant
Tarks Restaurant
Tarry Rest Motel
Tasty Grill
Tatum's tavern/Tatum's Inn
Taylor's Restaurant
Tennessee Hotel
T.E. Scales Jr. Service Station & Cafe
The Ann's Grill
The Atmosphere Lounge
The Bull Dog Inn
The Cosmos Cafe
The Downbeat CafГ©
The Franklin (tourist house)
The Friendly Three Cafe
The Handy Kitchen
The Harlem Chicken Shack
The Harmon Motel
The Hutchinson's
The Jackson Cafe
The Last Chance Motel
The L & H Cafe
The Marion Hotel
The Mecca House
The Mecca Restaurant
The Norris House Tourist Home
The Park Avenue Sandwich Shope & Drive-In
The Parker House
The Pates
The Pink House
The Poindexter Hotel
The Royal Liquor Store
The Steak Shop
The Steak Shop
The Sylvan
The Tasty Grill
The Tenrub
The Texan Inn Tourist Home
The Thomas House
The Town House Restaurant
The Wheel Motel
The Wheel Motel
Tick Tock Restaurant
Tommy's Service Station
Tom's Place Restaurant
Tony's Place
Top Notch Cleaners and Laundry
Toussaint L'Ouverture Post No. 80, American Legion
Town Talk Barbeque
Trailer City Park
Travelers Court Motel
Travelers Hotel
Triangle Restaurant
Trotter's Riverside Motel
Tucker's Gulf Service Station
Tuckers Hotel
Twin Acres Motel
Twin Lake Village
Umbrella Drive In
United Taxi
U.S. Bond's Motel
Vernon "Shaky" Terry's Esso Service Station
V. H. Brown
Village Inn
Villanova Hotel
Vincents Dining Room
Virginia Cafe
Virginia Hotel
Virginia Inn Tourist Home
Virginia's Bar-B-Q Stand
Virginia's Cafe
Wadkins Tourist Home
Walker's Shell Service Station & Garage
Ware's Super Market
Ware's Texaco Station
Warrick Inn
Washburn Mobilgas Service Station
Washington Hotel
Washington Tourist Home
Wash's Sea Food Restaurant
Waters Drive-In
Watkins Motel
Watley Hotel
Waverley Motel
Wells Sundry & Cafe
West End Hotel
West End Hotel & Beer Garden
West Motel
West Side Restaurant
Whispering Pines
Whitehead Hotel
White Rice
White Sandwich Shop
White's Lunch Room
White's Restaurant and Barber Shop
White Star Cleaners
White Wall Motel
Whitmore's "66" Service Station
Wickware's Cities Service Station
Wike's (Wilke's Eat Shop)
Wilkin's Dairy Queen Drive-In
William Campbell
Williams Apartment & Baby Grand Sandwich Shop
Williams Hotel
William's Motel
William's Tourist Home Tourist Home
Willow Inn
Willow Park Cottages
Will Rogers Court
Winbrook Restaurant
Winn Tee Pee -- Cottage Motel
W.J. Stokes Restaurant
W. Langston Tourist Home
W. Martin Tourist Home
W.M. Tatum/Tatum's Inn
Wright Hotel
Yellow Front
Yellow Front/Robert Westbrook Tourist Home
Yellowstone Motel
YMCA, Cansler Branch
YMCA (Druid Hill YMCA)
YWCA - Roanoke
YWCA - 7th St Richmond
Y. W. C. A.
YWCA - Lynchburg
Zion Inn
Zion Lodge